Page 121 - Janja Žmavc, Vloga in pomen jezika v državljanski vzgoji, Komunikacijska kompetenca kot nujna sestavina odgovornega državljanstva, Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 2
P. 121

The book is a part of the research project Professional Bases, Strategies and Theoreti-
cal Frameworks of Education for Intercultural Relations and Active Citizenship, which was
carried out by Scientific Research Centre SAZU and Educational Research Institute from
January 2010 to August 2011. We present the research of the two discursive phenomena
that play a considerable role in the education yet they quite often remain overlooked. Un-
der these phenomena we are referring to the rhetoric and argumentation, the art of suc-
cessful (public) persuasion and construction of arguments. As such they represent one of
the social and linguistic activities, which can hardly be omitted when we talk about con-
temporary education. Generally speaking it is quite impossible to imagine even everyday
communication without using these two skills and techniques, not to mention their role
in the public participation. Since language use is still one of the fundamental tools of the
public participation, mastering of rhetoric and argumentation represents a means, how to
achieve basic needs of the public, social and democratic participation.

In the Slovenian education, rhetoric and argumentation are still put in the rear, mis-
understood or even completely absent as topics. Therefore our aim is to shed light on the
importance of a systematic and holistic incorporation of rhetoric and argumentation in
the Slovenian education as well as to present some examples of how to successfully teach
both disciplines.

Since rhetoric and argumentation in Slovenia are independently taught only in some
cases, our research is particularly focused on those school topics, subjects and activities,
which on thematic level or by their nature presuppose mastering of skills and techniques
of the both disciplines. Among such topics, subjects and activities there are particularly
the ones that are referring to the concepts of public participation, such as active citizen-

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