Page 122 - Janja Žmavc, Vloga in pomen jezika v državljanski vzgoji, Komunikacijska kompetenca kot nujna sestavina odgovornega državljanstva, Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 2
P. 122
p and multiculturalism. In the European cultural space an effective language use that
is defined in the context of public persuasion and construction of arguments since antiq-
uity shows a close connection between a notion and development of democracy. With re-
gard to the nature and place of such language use and in the context of contemporary edu-
cation concepts we define it as a particular competence, namely as a (rhetorical-argumen-
tative) communication competence, which represents an essential factor in the individu-
al’s successful and active social participation. In other words, the ability of persuasive and/
or correct construction of what we want to say, as well as the ability of critical judgement
are fundamental tools or primary means that help us realize the principles of democracy.

Deriving from such conceptualisations our research of the role of rhetoric and argu-
mentation in the Slovenian education is based on three methodological starting-points,
which represent three separate parts in our book as well.

In the first part of the book we discuss some of the typical notions of rhetoric and ar-
gumentation and the relationship between them. Through the brief outline of the selected
rhetorical and argumentative concepts we argue that understanding, mastering and teach-
ing of persuasion and argument construction is based on a thorough knowledge of rhet-
oric and argumentation as theoretical disciplines. This is followed by the chapter, where
we problematize contemporary teachings of rhetoric and argumentation in Slovenia and
present an analysis of the curricula and education programs for the primary and second-
ary schools. In this respect we focused mainly on two questions: how many and what kind
of lessons in Slovenian primary and secondary schools incorporate topics of communica-
tion skills that originate from the theoretical fields of rhetoric and argumentation. As a
part of discussion on the incorporation of rhetoric and argumentation into education pro-
grammes we added a short survey of the study programmes of the three Slovenian univer-
sities. Since we argue that the rhetorical-argumentative competence represents an impor-
tant factor in a successful social participation, this part of the book includes a survey of
the importance of rhetorical and argumentative principles in the framework of the citi-
zenship education as well. In the analysis the presence of such principles in the curriculum
and some other documents regarding citizenship education is presented.

The second part of the book contains an empirical research of the role of rhetoric and
argumentation in Slovenian primary and secondary schools. The research provides the an-
swer to the two main questions: firstly, what Slovenian pupils and their teachers know and
think about rhetoric and argumentation; secondly, what principles regarding rhetoric and
argumentation they use in their everyday school life. The results of our analysis shed light

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