Page 146 - Valerija Vendramin in Renata Šribar, Spoli, seksualnost in nasilje skozi nove medije, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 11
P. 146
Spoli, seksualnost in nasilje skozi nove medije
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Skeggs, B. (2005). The Re-Branding of Class: Propertising Culture. V: De-
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Identities & Lifestyle, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 46–48.
Skeggs, B., in Wood, H. (2008). Spectacular morality: »Reality« televi-
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Slapšak, S. (2001). Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions. Topos, 1-2, 35–61.
Stoetzler, M., in Yuval-Davis, N. (2002). Standpoint Theory, Situated Kno-
wledge and the Situated Imagination. Feminist Theory, 3, 315–333.
Strehovec, J. (2007). Besedilo in novi mediji: Od tiskanih besedil k digital-
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Sullivan, Sh., in Tuana, N. (2007) (ur.). Race and Epistemologies of Igno-
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Šribar, R. (2004): O menstruaciji: Telo v diskurzu, diskurz v telesu, Ljublja-
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Šribar, R. (2006). O pornografiji. Porno konstrukcija in feministična rekon-
strukcija seksualnosti, Ljubljana: Sophia.
Ramazanoğlu, C., s Holland, J. (2002). Feminist Methodology. Challenges
and Choice, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore in Washing-
ton: Sage.
Rédai, D. (2003). Gender and Education in Slovenia and Hungary. Compa-
rative Analysis of Slovenian and Hungarian Educational Reforms since
the 1990s, magistrsko delo, Budimpešta: Central European University.
Rolin, K. (2006). The Bias Paradox in Feminist Standpoint Epistemology.
Episteme. A Journal of Social Epistemology, X/1-2, 125–136.
Russell, D. E. H. (1993). Against Pornography: The Evidence of Harm, Ber-
keley: Russell Publications.
Russell, S. (1986). The Hidden Curriculum of School: Reproducing Gen-
der and Class Hierarchies. V: Hamilton, R., and Barrett, M. (ur.). The
Politics of Diversity: Feminism, Marxism and Nationalism, London:
Verso, 343–360.
Skeggs, B. (2004). Class, Self, Culture, London: Routledge.
Skeggs, B. (2005). The Re-Branding of Class: Propertising Culture. V: De-
vine, F., Savage, M., in Crompton, R. (ur.), Rethinking Class: Culture,
Identities & Lifestyle, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 46–48.
Skeggs, B., in Wood, H. (2008). Spectacular morality: »Reality« televi-
sion, individualisation and the remaking of the working class. V: He-
smondhalgh D., in Toynbee, J. (ur.). The Media and Social Theory. Lon-
don in New York: Routledge, 177–193.
Slapšak, S. (2001). Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions. Topos, 1-2, 35–61.
Stoetzler, M., in Yuval-Davis, N. (2002). Standpoint Theory, Situated Kno-
wledge and the Situated Imagination. Feminist Theory, 3, 315–333.
Strehovec, J. (2007). Besedilo in novi mediji: Od tiskanih besedil k digital-
ni besedilnosti in digitalnim literaturam, Ljubljana: Literarno-umetni-
ško društvo Literatura.
Sullivan, Sh., in Tuana, N. (2007) (ur.). Race and Epistemologies of Igno-
rance, Albany: State University of New York.
Šribar, R. (2004): O menstruaciji: Telo v diskurzu, diskurz v telesu, Ljublja-
na: Delta.
Šribar, R. (2006). O pornografiji. Porno konstrukcija in feministična rekon-
strukcija seksualnosti, Ljubljana: Sophia.