Page 70 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 70
lsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 5–6

think, construct reality, and why they think in that way (Kitzinger 1995).
Considering the fact the main research question of this empirical study is
to comprehend where the line between “radical” and “mainstream” is for
young people and what does radicalism means for them, it was important
to assure the platform for participants’ interaction. This aim is particularly
relevant because it will assure researchers in the field of radicalism use it in
a way that is in line with youth’s understanding of it. Therefore, the meth-
odological design built upon focus groups has been chosen. Furthermore,
relying on previous studies which define radicalisation as context depend-
ent (e.g. Lub, 2013; Mandel, 2009; Onnerfors & Steiner, 2018), and bear-
ing in mind that the studies on radicalisation almost exclusively deal with
Western democracies and Muslims (see Della Porta & LaFree, 2012), we
decided to conduct research in Croatia, a country that has a different con-
text from previously studied country cases.

Since the starting point of the research was to study how young peo-
ple conceptualise the radical and the mainstream, both constructs were op-
erationalised into the focus groups’ questions, which can be seen in Table
1. Participants were asked to assess general characteristics of Croatian so-
ciety and specifically the situation regarding themselves - young people.
Additionally, they were asked to offer their conceptualisation of radical-
ism, both in the general public and youth specifically.

Table 1. Operationalisation of the relevant constructs.

Mainstream Radical

How would you describe a good citizen? What How would you describe a radical citizen? What
characteristics does a typical/ordinary citizen characteristics should a radical citizen have?
Who is a typical/ordinary citizen in Croatian Who is a radical citizen in Croatian context?
context? Describe one’s characteristics Describe one’s characteristics
What does it mean to be a typical young person What does it mean to be a radical young person
today? today?

Results and Discussion

Being “between the hammer and the anvil” or struggling to exercise their
autonomy and innovation by expressing their creativity in a setting where
society has expectations from them to perpetuate existing value pat-
terns and societal norms, young people of today mature in a perplexed,
confused, and hectic environment reinforced by uncertainty, prolonged
economic dependence on their families, insufficient inclusion in deci-
sion-making, and growing disparities among the rich and the poor. Thus,
the youth perception of the society they live in is an important insight for

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