Page 73 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 73
k. bovan, m. kovačić, m. vučković ■ being mainstream, being radical ...

generation as confused, anxious, impatient, disinterested, and unin-
formed. On top of that, young people are pliable and rarely engage in the
deconstruction of certain processes and constructs but rather “go with the

A young person does not take any responsibility, we have one of the low-
est election turnout rates. (Sinj)

Generally, to be popular is the main goal right now, but there are ex-
ceptions; however, for most young people this is an imperative, to have as
many followers as possible on Instagram…. As many “likes” as possible….
And if someone goes out on the weekends and does something like get-
ting drunk then everyone else feels they need to do the same. (Dalj)

The most convincing explanation for this situation is a system which
is not responsive, nor recognising of the needs and potentials of young
people. Due to their limited access to power, young people are much more
dependent on the system than adult citizens, thus they feel the flaws of the
system much more. For instance, a participant from Dalj summarised this
problem very well by claiming that the scarcity of investment in young
people makes young people disappear.

I think there are two things… there are… how to say two things…. There
are no young people because there is no money and there is no money
because the country is deteriorating.

Contrary to citizens, young people are characterised as being full of
potential. Despite this rather negative view of young people, participants
believe young people in Croatia have certain potentials that could be used
for the benefit of themselves and society. Participants once again pointed
out that the state does not allow young people to express themselves and
use the potentials they have. They offer some examples of young people
who left Croatia and succeeded in their intentions due to a better system.

But then what I see is that they have certain knowledge which is boring
for them, which was not accessible before the internet. They have more
opportunities and they are aware of them but I think they lack self-confi-
dence to use them. I dunno how to describe that… (Zagreb)

I believe that plenty of young people that go abroad to make some
money for their future life if they’re gonna get married or something,
they see that abroad is better because people are more fair and more kind
and that the mentality is different than in Croatia. Perhaps they like that
more, they decide to stay, find a job and have a good salary. (Dalj)

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