Page 270 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 270
ualnih reprezentacij pri zgodnji matematiki. Pri delu s študenti posebej
poudarja aktivne oblike učenja in poučevanja.
Manja Podgoršek is assistant for mathematics education at Faculty of
Education Maribor. Her main research field is connected to visual rep-
resentations in early mathematics. When working with future teacher her
emphasis lies on active methods of learning and teaching.
Jasmina Ferme
Jasmina Ferme je asistentka za matematiko na Fakulteti za kmetijstvo in
biosistemske vede, občasno pa delo asistentke opravlja tudi na Pedagoški
fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru.
Jasmina Ferme is assistant for mathematics at Faculty of Agriculture and
Life Sciences, but occasionally she works also at Faculty of Education
Alenka Lipovec
Alenka Lipovec poučuje matematiko in didaktiko matematike na
Pedagoški fakulteti v Mariboru. Raziskovalno se ukvarja predvsem z
razvojem zgodnjih matematičnih pojmov znotraj pouka matematike,
s smiselnim vključevanjem IKT in staršev ter z medpredmetnim pove-
zovanjem v okviru RME in CLIL pristopov.
Alenka Lipovec lectures mathematics and mathematics education at
Faculty of Education Maribor. Her research focus is early development
of mathematics concepts within school settings, efficient incorporation of
ICT, parental engagement and cross curricular themes in frame of RME
and CLIL approach.
Barbara Japelj Pavešić
Njeno širše področje raziskovanja je statistika družboslovnih podatkov,
ožje pa modeliranje meritev znanja, s poudarkom na preučevanju znan-
ja matematike po vsej izobraževalni vertikali od vrtca do univerze. Že
od začetka izvajanja mednarodne raziskave IEA TIMSS, leta 1995, je
sodelavka in od 1999 nacionalna koordinatorica vseh nadaljnih izvedb ra-
ziskav. Je tudi avtorica nacionalnih poročil zadnjih dveh, TIMSS 2015 in
TIMSS Advanced 2015.
Her research interest in statistics in social science, with focus on mod-
eling of measurement of knowledge, especially study of mathematical
achievement of students from kindergarten to university.
She has conducted IEA international large-scale assessment TIMSS since
its inception in 1995, and was the national research coordinator of all
poudarja aktivne oblike učenja in poučevanja.
Manja Podgoršek is assistant for mathematics education at Faculty of
Education Maribor. Her main research field is connected to visual rep-
resentations in early mathematics. When working with future teacher her
emphasis lies on active methods of learning and teaching.
Jasmina Ferme
Jasmina Ferme je asistentka za matematiko na Fakulteti za kmetijstvo in
biosistemske vede, občasno pa delo asistentke opravlja tudi na Pedagoški
fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru.
Jasmina Ferme is assistant for mathematics at Faculty of Agriculture and
Life Sciences, but occasionally she works also at Faculty of Education
Alenka Lipovec
Alenka Lipovec poučuje matematiko in didaktiko matematike na
Pedagoški fakulteti v Mariboru. Raziskovalno se ukvarja predvsem z
razvojem zgodnjih matematičnih pojmov znotraj pouka matematike,
s smiselnim vključevanjem IKT in staršev ter z medpredmetnim pove-
zovanjem v okviru RME in CLIL pristopov.
Alenka Lipovec lectures mathematics and mathematics education at
Faculty of Education Maribor. Her research focus is early development
of mathematics concepts within school settings, efficient incorporation of
ICT, parental engagement and cross curricular themes in frame of RME
and CLIL approach.
Barbara Japelj Pavešić
Njeno širše področje raziskovanja je statistika družboslovnih podatkov,
ožje pa modeliranje meritev znanja, s poudarkom na preučevanju znan-
ja matematike po vsej izobraževalni vertikali od vrtca do univerze. Že
od začetka izvajanja mednarodne raziskave IEA TIMSS, leta 1995, je
sodelavka in od 1999 nacionalna koordinatorica vseh nadaljnih izvedb ra-
ziskav. Je tudi avtorica nacionalnih poročil zadnjih dveh, TIMSS 2015 in
TIMSS Advanced 2015.
Her research interest in statistics in social science, with focus on mod-
eling of measurement of knowledge, especially study of mathematical
achievement of students from kindergarten to university.
She has conducted IEA international large-scale assessment TIMSS since
its inception in 1995, and was the national research coordinator of all