Page 109 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 109
igor ž. žagar ■ between fallacies and more fallacies?

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Fallacies.

Nizkor Project. Fallacies.
Kleene, S. C. (2002) Mathematical Logic. 2nd ed. Mineola: Dover.
Steele, H. (2006) Microhistory and macrohistory: different approaches to

the analysis of history.
Walton, D.N. (1987) Informal Fallacies. Towards a Theory of Argument

Criticism. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Walton, D. N. (1992a) Types of Dialogue, Dialectical Shifts and Fallacies.

In Eemeren, van F.H., Grootendorst, R., Blair, J.A., Willard, Ch. A.
(1992) Argumentation Illuminated. Amsterdam: SicSat.
Walton, D. N. (1992b) The Place of Emotion in Argument. University Park,
PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Walton, D. N. (2007) Media Argumentation – Dialectic, Persuasion, and
Rhetoric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Woods, J., Walton, D.N. (1992). Fallacies. Dordrecht: Foris.
Wikipedia. Fallacy.
Wikipedia. List of fallacies.

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