Page 249 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, št. 1-2: Bralna (ne)pismenost, ur. Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 249
avtorji ■ authors
v različnih šolskih sistemih s ciljem prepoznavanja ovir v sodobni sloven
ski šoli, ki onemogočajo vključujoče šolanje za vse učence.
Matej Rovšek
is the principal of the Special Education Centre Janez Levec Ljubljana.
Almost all of his professional career has been dedicated to education and
schooling of children and youngsters with special needs, with the empha
sis on those with mental disability and autism. Together with a team he
has broadened the Centre’s objective in the fields of social inclusion of stu
dents, employment of people with special needs and education of experts
who work in the area of education and schooling of children with special
In the past years he has been studying the changes of different school
systems with the aim of recognizing obstacles in the modern Slovenian
school which prevent inclusive education for all students.
Aksinja Kermauner
je pisateljica in tiflopedagoginja. Na Zavodu za slepo in slabovidno mladi
no v Ljubljani (današnji Center IRIS) je poučevala slovenščino in likovni
pouk do leta 2013, od 2011 pa predava kot docentka na Pedagoški fakulte
ti Univerze na Primorskem predmet Metode dela s slepimi in slabovidni
mi na smeri Inkluzivna pedagogika. Piše znanstvene in strokovne članke
ter leposlovje za otroke, mladino in odrasle (izdanih 26 knjig). Vodi pro
jekte za senzibilizacijo okolja in inkluzijo otrok s posebnimi potrebami in
aktivno sodeluje pri uveljavljanju inkluzije v slovensko družbo. Je članica
Društva slovenskih pisateljev in podpredsednica Društva specialnih in re
habilitacijskih pedagogov Slovenije.
Aksinja Kermauner
is a writer and typhlo-pedagogue. She taught Slovene and art classes at
the Institute for Blind and Visually Impaired Children in Ljubljana (to
day‘s IRIS Center) until 2013, and since 2011 she has been lecturing as
an assistant professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of
Primorska in the subject of Methods of working with the blind and vis
ually impaired for Inclusive Pedagogy. She writes scientific and profes
sional articles and literature for children, youth and adults (26 books
published). She leads projects for environmental sensitisation and the in
clusion of children with special needs and actively participates in pro
moting inclusion in Slovenian society. She is a member of the Slovenian
Writers‘ Association and vice-president of the Association of Special and
Rehabilitation Educators of Slovenia.
v različnih šolskih sistemih s ciljem prepoznavanja ovir v sodobni sloven
ski šoli, ki onemogočajo vključujoče šolanje za vse učence.
Matej Rovšek
is the principal of the Special Education Centre Janez Levec Ljubljana.
Almost all of his professional career has been dedicated to education and
schooling of children and youngsters with special needs, with the empha
sis on those with mental disability and autism. Together with a team he
has broadened the Centre’s objective in the fields of social inclusion of stu
dents, employment of people with special needs and education of experts
who work in the area of education and schooling of children with special
In the past years he has been studying the changes of different school
systems with the aim of recognizing obstacles in the modern Slovenian
school which prevent inclusive education for all students.
Aksinja Kermauner
je pisateljica in tiflopedagoginja. Na Zavodu za slepo in slabovidno mladi
no v Ljubljani (današnji Center IRIS) je poučevala slovenščino in likovni
pouk do leta 2013, od 2011 pa predava kot docentka na Pedagoški fakulte
ti Univerze na Primorskem predmet Metode dela s slepimi in slabovidni
mi na smeri Inkluzivna pedagogika. Piše znanstvene in strokovne članke
ter leposlovje za otroke, mladino in odrasle (izdanih 26 knjig). Vodi pro
jekte za senzibilizacijo okolja in inkluzijo otrok s posebnimi potrebami in
aktivno sodeluje pri uveljavljanju inkluzije v slovensko družbo. Je članica
Društva slovenskih pisateljev in podpredsednica Društva specialnih in re
habilitacijskih pedagogov Slovenije.
Aksinja Kermauner
is a writer and typhlo-pedagogue. She taught Slovene and art classes at
the Institute for Blind and Visually Impaired Children in Ljubljana (to
day‘s IRIS Center) until 2013, and since 2011 she has been lecturing as
an assistant professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of
Primorska in the subject of Methods of working with the blind and vis
ually impaired for Inclusive Pedagogy. She writes scientific and profes
sional articles and literature for children, youth and adults (26 books
published). She leads projects for environmental sensitisation and the in
clusion of children with special needs and actively participates in pro
moting inclusion in Slovenian society. She is a member of the Slovenian
Writers‘ Association and vice-president of the Association of Special and
Rehabilitation Educators of Slovenia.