Page 22 - Educational Research Institute: A few facts. Pedagoški inštitut: Ljubljana, 2019.
P. 22
coordinated by the Educational Research Institute? The following
national coordination centres are established in the framework of the
Centre for Applied Epistemology, which is one of the research centres
of the Educational Research Institute: the IEA PIRLS (reading literacy of
20 fourth-graders), the IEA TIMSS (numeracy and literacy in science of
eighth-graders, and TIMSS Advanced – mathematics and physics on a
pre-graduation level), the IEA ICILS (computer and information literacy
of eighth-graders), the IEA ICCS (civic upbringing and education of
eighth-graders), the OECD PISA (numeracy, literacy in science, and
reading competencies in Slovenia, generally measured in first-year
students), and the OECD TALIS study (which only includes principals
and teachers). The Head of Centre for Applied Epistemology is also
Slovenia’s representative in the IEA General Assembly. However, the
national coordination centres are not only responsible for the
implementation of individual research projects; they also prepare
national reports, secondary studies of the data appearing in them, etc.

List of Major Projects and Programmes

National Projects
ARRS Programmes:
The Social Contract in the 21st Century: Historical, Sociological,
Philosophical, Ethical, Educational, and Teaching Aspects (2015–
Educational Research (1999–2019)
Applied Developmental Psychology (2004–2019)
Collecting, Managing and Archiving Data in the Upbringing and
Educational System (2009–2020)
ARRS Projects:
Language Policy in the Republic of Slovenia and the Needs of its
Users (2016–2017)
Neoliberalism in the European Education Area: Between the
Efficiency and Fairness of the Slovenian Educational Policies and
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