Page 18 - Educational Research Institute: A few facts. Pedagoški inštitut: Ljubljana, 2019.
P. 18
Infrastructure Centre

16 The concept of the infrastructure programme of the Educational
Research Institute is to provide support for the scientific research in
the field of education, mainly when it comes to implementing all
necessary activities in order to provide methodological compliance of
various types of data collection in the field of education, and
including Slovenia into international research studies in the field of
education (such as PISA, PIRLS, ICCS, TALIS etc.) that became an
important source of operationalisation of the objectives related to
upbringing and education, both nationally and internationally. The
added value of the infrastructure programme lies in the fact that
databases are collected, sorted, and maintained in one place, in
accordance with uniform, stringent technical standards, by using
specific methodology and knowledge which, inter alia, also enable
the possibility of international and historic comparison of the results
obtained in international researches. Each individual international
research project is implemented periodically, once every few years; in
addition to providing an overview of the state of the art, this also
makes it possible to research trends related to achievements and
other data and comparing Slovenia and its upbringing and
educational system on an international level with other countries.
Thus, the principal activity of the infrastructure programme is
designing and creating databases from national and international
research projects, and statistically analysing said data. The
knowledge that the infrastructure programme of the Educational
Research Institute has been developing for many years now plays an
important role in this process since the creation of said databases
requires specific approaches to statistical compilation and analyses.
Within the scope of collection, management, and maintenance of
said databases, as well as when it comes to their processing,
analyses, and interpretations, the Centre also cooperates with
Slovenian universities and faculties when it comes to study
placements, voluntary student work, and preparation of graduate
theses, master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. Last but not least,
the stakeholders of the Slovenian upbringing and educational system
(chief among them being schools, principals, and teachers) are also
important users of the results of the infrastructure programme.
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