Page 19 - Educational Research Institute: A few facts. Pedagoški inštitut: Ljubljana, 2019.
P. 19
bers of the Centre
Mojca Čuček, MA, Researcher with Master’s Degree, Head of Centre
Suzana Geržina, MA, Researcher with Master’s Degree
Ana Mlekuž, MA, Researcher with Master’s Degree
Karmen Svetlik, MA, Researcher with Master’s Degree
Simona Štigl, Researcher 17

The Department of Joint Services/the Administration carries out
tasks related to the fields of management, law, finance, accounting,
personnel, administration, information and documentation.
Organisational units:
Technical and Administrative Service;
Library; Information and Documentation Service;
The Department of Joint Services/ the Administration is managed
by the Secretary of the Educational Research Institute who is
responsible for the legal, organisational and general tasks, for
monitoring staff policies, and for representing the Educational
Research Institute upon authorisation in the absence of its Director.
Administrative employees
Professor Dr Igor Ž. Žagar, Scientific Councillor, Director of the
Educational Research Institute
Tamara Kotnik, Company Secretary
Nevenka Zemljič Drnovšek, Professional Associate VI
Zdenka Obajdin, Head Accountant
Violeta Ženati, Accountant
Polona Ramšak Zaviršek, Librarian
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