Page 25 - Educational Research Institute: A few facts. Pedagoški inštitut: Ljubljana, 2019.
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for Inclusion: Community Based Early Childhood Education and
care (ECEC) for Roma Children (2017–2019)

TOY PLUS; Together Old and Young: Practitioners Learning and 23
Upscaling Skills (2016–2018)

Toy to Share, Play to Care (2019–2021)

Tuscan Approach Learning for Early Childhood Education and Care

VALUE – Value diversity in care and education (2018–2020)

The list of projects can be found at:

The “Šolsko polje” (School Field) Scientific Journal
“Šolsko polje” is a scientific journal dealing with theory and research in
the field of upbringing and education with an international editorial
committee. It is published three times per year by the Slovenian
Association of School Field Researchers.
The primary purpose of this journal is to contribute to the development
of education sciences and to provide an interdisciplinary approach to
theoretical and practical issues related to upbringing and education. In
this context, the journal pays special attention to the development of
Slovenian scientific and professional terminology, as well as concepts in
the field of upbringing and education, and provides research paradigms
in the field of educational research projects in the framework of social
sciences and humanities. The journal publishes scientific and
professional articles from the broader sphere of upbringing and
education, as well as educational research (philosophy of upbringing,
sociology of education, applied epistemology, developmental
psychology, educational studies, andragogy, pedagogical methodology,
etc.), review papers, and reviews of Slovenian and foreign monographs
dealing with the aforementioned fields.
You can access the “Šolsko polje” scientific journal at:
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