Page 26 - Educational Research Institute: A few facts. Pedagoški inštitut: Ljubljana, 2019.
P. 26
. Digital Library

»učitelj kot retorik« The Digital Library is an editorial and publishing
platform providing the possibility of
retorično-argumentativni vidiki comprehensively publishing scientific literature of
pedagoškega diskurza monographs with one or more authors, textbooks,
and critical editions of sources. It is a part of the
UR. MITJA SARDOČ, scientific publishing house of the Educational
IGOR Ž. ŽAGAR Research Institute of Ljubljana.
IN ANA MLEKUŽ The Digital Library platform consists of four
IN IZOBRAŽEVANJU The collection “Dissertationes”, edited by
DANES Professor Dr Igor Ž. Žagar, publishes new and
reprints the already-published monographs with
 one or more authors from the field of humanities
and social studies.
Letnik XXIX, številka – , The collection “Clavis litterarum Slovenicarum”,
Revija za teorijo in raziskave vzgoje in izobraževanja edited by Assistant Professor Dr Jonatan Vinkler,
will be publishing critical editions of literary works
Šolsko polje published in Slovenia between 1550 and 1918.
The collection “Compendia”, edited by
Radicalization, Violent Extremism Docent Dr Janja Žmavc, mainly publishes
and Conflicting Diversity university textbooks and study materials for
individual faculty subjects of four Slovenian
Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan (eds.) universities or private colleges.
The collection “Documenta”, edited by
Docent Dr Alenka Gril, publishes texts resulting
from ongoing research processes (studies, public
lectures, research reports).
You can access the Digital Library at
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