Page 14 - Educational Research Institute: A few facts. Pedagoški inštitut: Ljubljana, 2019.
P. 14
studying social interactions in specific contexts of society (school,
peers, youth organisations, local communities, socio-political
system), and the effects they have on the development of (social)
cognition, motivation, personality, and social behaviour of children
12 and young people;
developing participatory school communities (researching different
areas of creating an inclusive school environment in connection
with the local community contributing to the empowerment of
young people in order to ensure they become active citizens);
developing strategies for the social inclusion of children and young
people, especially of the culturally and socially deprived
(e.g. immigrants, young people becoming adults) based on
theoretically founded and empirically proven models;
constructing and arranging measurement devices for the fields of
socio-cognitive concepts, relationship towards knowledge,
intercultural competencies, learning and didactic approaches,
social interactions, and organisational culture.
Members of the Centre
Docent Dr Alenka Gril, Senior Scientific Associate, Head of Centre
Sabina Autor, MA, Assistant with Master’s Degree
Docent Dr Igor Bijuklič, Scientific Associate

“Step by Step” Centre for Quality in Education
The activities of the “Step by Step” Centre for Quality Upbringing
and Education (Slovene abbreviation: the “CKVI KZK”) are based on
the principles of equal opportunities, the principles of a democratic
civil society, children’s rights and rights of parents, contemporary
knowledge related to development of children and their learning,
and how different factors influence those two parameters. Within
the Centre’s activities special attention is paid to the most
vulnerable groups of children and their parents. Through its
activities with the purpose of ensuring professional development of
practitioners and providing actiion and participatory research of the
practices related to the process of upbringing and education, the
Centre aims to provide high-quality upbringing and education while
planning, introducing and evaluating changes in the field of pre-
school education and transitioning to elementary school.
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