Page 13 - Educational Research Institute: A few facts. Pedagoški inštitut: Ljubljana, 2019.
P. 13
tre for the Examination of Cognition and Learning

In the framework of the centre, we are implementing 11
interdisciplinary research in the following research fields:
developmental and social psychology, social philosophy, philosophy
of education, anthropology of everyday life, and media studies.

When conducting our research, we keep in mind that paying
attention to crucial questions, as well as addressing and asking
them, is of crucial importance for an efficient design of research
problems and viewpoints. This is why we are focusing on the issues
of the public and administrative discourse, as well as of the
prevailing scientific paradigms, that crucially define our current
understanding of both general society and education. Therefore,
we examine the role and the influence of prevailing ideologies and
ways of understanding current planning and implementation of
policies and practices in the field of upbringing and education.
We also pay special attention to specific influences of cultural
patterns, convictions, and standing presumptions on the cognitive,
personal, and social development of children and young people.

The exploration of our study of the role and importance of
knowledge and education for optimum psycho-social development
for all children and adolescents and their empowerment for active
citizenship (development of critical thinking, political and media
literacy, as well as intercultural and civil competencies) in the
context of current social changes.

Research orientations and objectives:

developing analytical starting points in order to study and interpret
paradigmatic and ideological changes in the field of upbringing and

exploring social justice in the context of school (tolerance, justice,
social responsibility, solidarity, emancipation, public/private);

exploring various forms of the process of upbringing and education,
taking into consideration individual differences yet enabling the
acquisition and the development of interest for both elementary
and useful skills;
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