Page 254 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja – priložnosti in pasti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 46
P. 254
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: digitalizacija vzgoje in izobr aževanja ...

posredneje pa v 8. razredu pri biologiji, kjer je zreducirana na biološki vidik
(zgradba spolovil, reprodukcija in spolno prenosljive bolezni), ki ga dodat-
no naslavlja tudi VZOM pri sistematskih pregledih. Na necelostnost v po-
ročilu sicer opozarja že Evropska komisija. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave
lahko torej sklenemo, da v Sloveniji vsekakor ne moremo govoriti o celostni
spolni vzgoji, temveč kvečjemu le o njenem reproduktivnem delu. Ob načr-
tovani prenovi učnih načrtov bi morali zato področju spolne vzgoje posve-
titi bistveno več pozornosti in sredstev ter ga ustrezno sistematizirati in po-
sodobiti skladno s priporočili WHO in UNESCA.
Ključne besede: spolna vzgoja, učni načrti, osnovna šola, formalno izobra-
ževanje, regulacija

Qualitative analysis of sex education content
in the curriculum
Tim Prezelj
Sexuality related content is greatly neglected in the Slovenian education
system. The need to address such topics in school primarily stems from the
importance of sexuality for the healthy psycho-socio-physical development
of individuals. Furthermore, people begin to explore sexuality more inten-
sively precisely during their engagement in the educational system. De-
spite its significance, sex education has never undergone a substantial con-
ceptual renovation in the history of independent Slovenia. Therefore, we
systematically and qualitatively analysed the curricular state of sex educa-
tion in all mandatory subjects of Slovenian primary and secondary school
system, as well as the National Institute of Public Health’s education pro-
gram (VZOM). In that first Slovenian study of its kind, we firstly reviewed
all currently applicable curricula. Further in-depth analysis was then per-
formed only on curricula containing any elements of sex education accord-
ing to UNESCOs and WHOs international guidelines, such as comprehen-
siveness, inclusivity, and non-normativity of sex education. The analysis
revealed that the existing Slovenian sex education system suffers primari-
ly from its sex-negative approach, poorly defined learning objectives, and
inadequate training of pedagogical staff to address such topics. In Slove-
nia, formal sex education is indirectly introduced upon entering prima-
ry school (at 6th year of age) and more directly in the 8th grade during biol-
ogy classes, where it is reduced solely to the biological aspects, which are
further addressed also during routine health check-ups within the VZOM
program. The lack of comprehensiveness has also already been pointed out

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