Page 257 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja – priložnosti in pasti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 46
P. 257
povzetki ■ summaries

so prav tako poročali, da so pogosteje sodelovali v državljanskih aktivno-
stih. Ugotovitve so bile skladne tako pri participaciji v šoli kot tudi izven
nje, v širši skupnosti, čeprav na Hrvaškem razmerje med SES in participaci-
jo učencev izven šole ni pokazalo statistično značilne povezave. Poleg tega
rezultati kažejo, da so učenci z višjim SES poročali, da pogosteje razpravlja-
jo o političnih ali družbenih vprašanjih izven šole. Ta ugotovitev se je po-
kazala pri vseh treh državah.
Ključne besede: osmošolci, državljanska participacija, socio-ekonomsko
ozadje, ICCS 2016, sekundarna analiza

The association between students’ civic participation
and students’ socioeconomic background
Špela Javornik, Jure Novak
According to social capital theory, participation in civic activities, such as
volunteering, voting, and community service, can contribute to individu-
als' social and economic well-being (Putnam, 2000). However, socioeco-
nomic status (SES) can act as a barrier to accessing social capital, with stu-
dents from low SES backgrounds facing financial, opportunity-related, and
social exclusion-related constraints on their civic engagement (Flanagan &
Levine, 2010).Previous research has found that students from high SES bac-
kgrounds are more likely to engage in civic activities compared to their low
SES peers (Ibid; Foster-Bey, 2008, Cejda et al., 2018).
Based on the data of the ICCS 2016 survey, which measured the civic
knowledge of over 94000 students across 24 educational systems in 2016,
we checked whether there is a relationship between students’ reported so-
cioeconomic status (SES) and students’ reported participation in civic and
citizenship activities in school or in wider communities in Slovenia, Cro-
atia, and Italy. In addition, the relationship was also tested between SES
and students’ reported frequency of discussing political and social issues
outside of school in Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy. Hypotheses were tested
with regression analysis using the software RALSA, which is an R analyz-
er for large-scale assessments.The results showed that there was a positive
relationship between SES and civic and citizenship participation. In oth-
er words, students who reported higher SES also tended to report they par-
ticipated in civic and citizenship activities more. Findings were consistent
in both, participation in school and in the wider community, although in
Croatia, the relationship between SES and participation out of school did
not yield statistically significant results. Furthermore, the results indicate

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