Page 238 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja – priložnosti in pasti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 46
P. 238
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: digitalizacija vzgoje in izobr aževanja ...
(Adam, 1998; 2000). To pa je pomemben moment, ki pomaga tako pri de-
tektiranju prikritega kurikula kot tudi redefiniciji vednosti.
Naš glavni prispevek bo s pomočjo kvalitativne metodologije preučiti nači-
ne, kako je software vključen v prakse oblikovanja kurikula in naravo ved-
nosti (povezava dveh zgoraj omenjenih dimenzij) (Edwards, 2015). Prvo je
lahko diskriminatorno, čeprav ideologija digitalnega izobraževanja pou-
darja emancipatornost (prav tam). Naslednje izhodišče pa je, kako se spre-
minja narava vednosti, kako se vednost spričo novih tehnologij nemara ge-
nerira drugače, kar nakazuje epistemološke premike (Manovich, 2013).
Zadevna vprašanja niso popolnoma nova, vendar je pomembno, da jih v
danem zgodovinskem trenutku ponovno izpostavimo in poskušamo de-
tektirati, kako se povezujejo neenakosti in t. i. edtech ter ali pri tem nastaja-
jo nove oblike neenakosti (Macgilchrist, 2021).
Ključne besede: digitalizacija, epistemologija, subjekt, neenakosti, prikriti
Educational Technology, Digital Inequalities
and the Hidden Curriculum
Valerija Vendramin
We will first look at what explicit and implicit norms, values, economic in-
terests, etc. are contained in modern technology, and above all, which of
these “invisible” moments are contained in algorithms. The starting ques-
tion is therefore whether and to what extent digital technologies are eman-
cipatory and to what extent they contain prejudices that are already present
in society. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to definitions
of technology (e.g. instrumentalist, essentialist, etc.) and to recognise that
technologies are emergent aggregates of material, social and digital activi-
ties (Fawns, 2022).
This issue is particularly relevant to the field of education, where digitisa-
tion is becoming one of the central concepts in the face of past pandemics,
while at the same time edtech is becoming visible as a social process that en-
codes gendered, classed, heteronormative etc. norms, into everyday educa-
tional practices (Macgilchrist, 2021).
We closely relate to epistemological assumptions (a feminist epistemolo-
gy will be the starting point). It is important to highlight the centrality of
the subject, which - in claiming ‘objectivity’ - by erasure, draws in its wake
the erasure of the political and thus of the power structures inherent in the
(Adam, 1998; 2000). To pa je pomemben moment, ki pomaga tako pri de-
tektiranju prikritega kurikula kot tudi redefiniciji vednosti.
Naš glavni prispevek bo s pomočjo kvalitativne metodologije preučiti nači-
ne, kako je software vključen v prakse oblikovanja kurikula in naravo ved-
nosti (povezava dveh zgoraj omenjenih dimenzij) (Edwards, 2015). Prvo je
lahko diskriminatorno, čeprav ideologija digitalnega izobraževanja pou-
darja emancipatornost (prav tam). Naslednje izhodišče pa je, kako se spre-
minja narava vednosti, kako se vednost spričo novih tehnologij nemara ge-
nerira drugače, kar nakazuje epistemološke premike (Manovich, 2013).
Zadevna vprašanja niso popolnoma nova, vendar je pomembno, da jih v
danem zgodovinskem trenutku ponovno izpostavimo in poskušamo de-
tektirati, kako se povezujejo neenakosti in t. i. edtech ter ali pri tem nastaja-
jo nove oblike neenakosti (Macgilchrist, 2021).
Ključne besede: digitalizacija, epistemologija, subjekt, neenakosti, prikriti
Educational Technology, Digital Inequalities
and the Hidden Curriculum
Valerija Vendramin
We will first look at what explicit and implicit norms, values, economic in-
terests, etc. are contained in modern technology, and above all, which of
these “invisible” moments are contained in algorithms. The starting ques-
tion is therefore whether and to what extent digital technologies are eman-
cipatory and to what extent they contain prejudices that are already present
in society. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to definitions
of technology (e.g. instrumentalist, essentialist, etc.) and to recognise that
technologies are emergent aggregates of material, social and digital activi-
ties (Fawns, 2022).
This issue is particularly relevant to the field of education, where digitisa-
tion is becoming one of the central concepts in the face of past pandemics,
while at the same time edtech is becoming visible as a social process that en-
codes gendered, classed, heteronormative etc. norms, into everyday educa-
tional practices (Macgilchrist, 2021).
We closely relate to epistemological assumptions (a feminist epistemolo-
gy will be the starting point). It is important to highlight the centrality of
the subject, which - in claiming ‘objectivity’ - by erasure, draws in its wake
the erasure of the political and thus of the power structures inherent in the