Page 207 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja – priložnosti in pasti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 46
P. 207
students’ civic participation in slovenia, italy and croatia ...

Table 19: Relationship between participation outside of school and SES in Slovenia, Croatia
and Italy

Slovenia Croatia Italy

  Regression t-value Regression t-value Regression t-value
coefficient coefficient coefficient

A youth organization 0,01 (0,01) 1,33 0,00 (0,00) 1,14 0,00 (0,01) 0,07
affiliated with a poli- 0,04 (0,01) 3,33 -0,02
tical party or union 0,00 (0,01) 0,12 (0,00) -0,96 0,04 (0,01) 3,67
An environmental 0,05 (0,01) 3,54
action group or orga- 0,06 (0,02) 3,58 0,00 (0,01) -0,30 0,00 (0,01) -0,24
nization 0,05 (0,02) 3,45 0,02 (0,02)
A Human Rights or- 0,02 (0,01) 1,63 1,03 0,07 (0,01) 5,89
ganization 0,01 (0,02)
A voluntary group 0,26 0,05 (0,01) 3,57
doing something to 0,00 (0,00)
help the community 0,02 (0,02) 0,56 0,01 (0,01) 0,73
An organization co- 1,30 0,02 (0,01) 1,98
llecting money for a
social cause
A group of young pe-
ople campaigning for
an issue
An animal rights or
animal welfare group

*Standard errors appear in parentheses.

In Slovenia, we can see there are statistically significant relationships
between students’ SES and participation in an environmental action group
or organization (t= 3.33), participation in a voluntary group doing some-
thing to help the community (t= 3.54), participation in an organization col-
lecting money for a social cause (t= 3.58) and participation in a group of
young people campaigning for an issue (t= 3.45).

In Italy, we can observe similar relationships between SES and forms
of participation in a wider community. An environmental action group or
organization (t= 3.67), A voluntary group doing something to help the com-
munity (t= 5.89), An organization collecting money for a social cause (t=
3.57)) and an animal rights or animal welfare group (t= 1.98).

In Croatia, we found that not a single form of participation in the com-
munity had any statistically significant relationship with the SES of the stu-
dents that participated in the ICCS.

Overall, the results suggest that the relationship between the partici-
pation of ICCS students outside of school and SES varies across countries

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