Page 203 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja – priložnosti in pasti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 46
P. 203
students’ civic participation in slovenia, italy and croatia ...

liefs, which in turn can lead to greater civic engagement (Dalton and Cros-
by, 2008).

3. Methodology
3.1 Aims of the study
This study explores if there is a statistically significant connection between
the SES of a student and civic participation. It also explores if there is a con-
nection between SES and students’ discussion about political and social is-
sues. We asked ourselves the following research questions:
RQ1: How is students’ civic participation associated with students’ so-
cioeconomic background?
RQ2: How is students’ discussion of political and social issues outside
of school associated with students’ socioeconomic background?
The following hypotheses have been derived from the above research
H1: Students coming from a background with higher socioeconom-
ic status, tend to participate in the community more, compared
to students coming from a background with lower socioeconom-
ic status.
H2: Students coming from a background with higher socioeconomic
status, tend to participate in school more, compared to students
coming from a background with lower socioeconomic status.
H3: Students coming from a background with higher socioeconomic
status, tend to discuss more about political and social issues out-
side of school, compared to students coming from a background
with lower socioeconomic status.

3.2 Participants
The focus of this study is to research the relationship between socioeco-
nomic status and any form of civic and citizenship participation. The study
uses data from the 2016 ICCS study, which tested the civic and citizenship
knowledge of students that were at the time in their eighth year of school-
ing. In addition to the civic and citizenship test, students also completed
the student questionnaire which explores the contextual background in-
formation that might explain the test scores. This includes students’ demo-

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