Page 209 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja – priložnosti in pasti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 46
P. 209
dents’ civic participation in slovenia, italy and croatia ...
Table 21: Relationship between participation in school and SES in Slovenia, Croatia
and Italy
Slovenia Croatia Italy
Regression t-value Regression t-value Regression t-value
coefficient coefficient coefficient
Active participation in 0,14 (0,01) 9,97 0,09 (0,02) 4,24 0,13 (0,02) 6,75
an organized debate 0,07 (0,01) 4,73
Voting for class repre- 0,07 (0,01) 5,78 0,04 (0,01) 2,55 0,05 (0,03) 2,02
sentative or school par- 0,13 (0,01) 9,05
liament 0,10 (0,02) 6,36 0,03 (0,02) 1,60 -0,02 (0,02) -1,03
Taking part in decision-
-making about how the 0,07 (0,02) 4,44 0,02 (0,02) 1,39 0,01 (0,02) 0,60
school is run
Taking part in discussi- 0,06 (0,02) 3,11 0,06 (0,02) 3,02
ons at a student as-
sembly -0,01 (0,02) -0,29 0,04 (0,02) 2,11
Becoming a candida-
te for class representa-
tive or
school parliament
Participating in an acti-
vity to make the scho-
ol more environmental-
ly friendly (e.g. through
watersaving or recyc-
*Standard errors appear in parentheses.
In Slovenia, all types of school activities showed a positive relationship
with SES, with statistically significant coefficients for all types of activities.
For example, for each one-unit increase in SES, there was a 0.14 increase in
active participation in an organized debate (t= 9.97).
In Croatia, most types of school activities showed a positive relation-
ship with SES, with statistically significant coefficients for three types of
activities: Active participation in an organized debate (t= 4.24), Voting for
class representative or school parliament (t= 2.55) and Becoming a can-
didate for class representative or school parliament (t= 3.11). Similar rela-
tionships can be observed in Italy, where in addition to the three forms of
participation in Croatia, in Italy there was also a statistically significant re-
lationship between SES and Participating in an activity to make the school
more environmentally friendly (e.g. through water saving or recycling).
It is worth noting that the standard errors for some of the coefficients
are relatively large, which indicates some uncertainty in the estimates.
Table 21: Relationship between participation in school and SES in Slovenia, Croatia
and Italy
Slovenia Croatia Italy
Regression t-value Regression t-value Regression t-value
coefficient coefficient coefficient
Active participation in 0,14 (0,01) 9,97 0,09 (0,02) 4,24 0,13 (0,02) 6,75
an organized debate 0,07 (0,01) 4,73
Voting for class repre- 0,07 (0,01) 5,78 0,04 (0,01) 2,55 0,05 (0,03) 2,02
sentative or school par- 0,13 (0,01) 9,05
liament 0,10 (0,02) 6,36 0,03 (0,02) 1,60 -0,02 (0,02) -1,03
Taking part in decision-
-making about how the 0,07 (0,02) 4,44 0,02 (0,02) 1,39 0,01 (0,02) 0,60
school is run
Taking part in discussi- 0,06 (0,02) 3,11 0,06 (0,02) 3,02
ons at a student as-
sembly -0,01 (0,02) -0,29 0,04 (0,02) 2,11
Becoming a candida-
te for class representa-
tive or
school parliament
Participating in an acti-
vity to make the scho-
ol more environmental-
ly friendly (e.g. through
watersaving or recyc-
*Standard errors appear in parentheses.
In Slovenia, all types of school activities showed a positive relationship
with SES, with statistically significant coefficients for all types of activities.
For example, for each one-unit increase in SES, there was a 0.14 increase in
active participation in an organized debate (t= 9.97).
In Croatia, most types of school activities showed a positive relation-
ship with SES, with statistically significant coefficients for three types of
activities: Active participation in an organized debate (t= 4.24), Voting for
class representative or school parliament (t= 2.55) and Becoming a can-
didate for class representative or school parliament (t= 3.11). Similar rela-
tionships can be observed in Italy, where in addition to the three forms of
participation in Croatia, in Italy there was also a statistically significant re-
lationship between SES and Participating in an activity to make the school
more environmentally friendly (e.g. through water saving or recycling).
It is worth noting that the standard errors for some of the coefficients
are relatively large, which indicates some uncertainty in the estimates.