Page 394 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 394
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: medsebojni vpliv r aziskovanja in pr akse
ru doktorskega študija na Univerzi v Mariboru je v nadaljevanju razisko-
valno delo razširila na polimerno in organsko kemijo. Njeno raziskovalno
področje zajema kemijsko izobraževanje z vidika razvoja učnih strategij,
aktivnega učenja in sodelovalnega dela ter sintezo in funkcionalizacijo vi-
soko poroznih polimerov.
Janja Majer Kovačič is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Natural Sci-
ence and Mathematics, University of Maribor. She began her career in the
field of chemical education research during postgraduate studies at the
University of Ljubljana. During her PhD studies she expanded her profes-
sional skills into the polymer and organic chemistry and earned her degree
at the University of Maribor. Her research interests include chemical edu-
cation where she investigates the processes of instruction and learning in
chemistry. Recently, the synthesis and functionalization of highly porous
polymers enriched her research portfolio.
Jasmina Bunšek (1986) je leta 2010 diplomirala kot vzgojiteljica predšolskih
otrok, leta 2016 pa magistrirala na študiju predšolske vzgoje, oboje na Pe-
dagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani. Tekom dodiplonskega študija je en semester
opravila na študentski izmenjavi na Finskem, na univerzi v Ouluju. V vrt-
cu Najdihojca je zaposlena od septembra 2009.
Jasmina Bunšek (1986) graduated in 2010 as an educator of preschool chil-
dren, and in 2016 she obtained a master‘s degree in the study of prescho-
ol education, both at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana. During her
undergraduate studies, she spent one semester on a student exchange in
Finland, at the University of Oulu. She has been employed at the Najdihoj-
ca kindergarten since September 2009.
ru doktorskega študija na Univerzi v Mariboru je v nadaljevanju razisko-
valno delo razširila na polimerno in organsko kemijo. Njeno raziskovalno
področje zajema kemijsko izobraževanje z vidika razvoja učnih strategij,
aktivnega učenja in sodelovalnega dela ter sintezo in funkcionalizacijo vi-
soko poroznih polimerov.
Janja Majer Kovačič is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Natural Sci-
ence and Mathematics, University of Maribor. She began her career in the
field of chemical education research during postgraduate studies at the
University of Ljubljana. During her PhD studies she expanded her profes-
sional skills into the polymer and organic chemistry and earned her degree
at the University of Maribor. Her research interests include chemical edu-
cation where she investigates the processes of instruction and learning in
chemistry. Recently, the synthesis and functionalization of highly porous
polymers enriched her research portfolio.
Jasmina Bunšek (1986) je leta 2010 diplomirala kot vzgojiteljica predšolskih
otrok, leta 2016 pa magistrirala na študiju predšolske vzgoje, oboje na Pe-
dagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani. Tekom dodiplonskega študija je en semester
opravila na študentski izmenjavi na Finskem, na univerzi v Ouluju. V vrt-
cu Najdihojca je zaposlena od septembra 2009.
Jasmina Bunšek (1986) graduated in 2010 as an educator of preschool chil-
dren, and in 2016 she obtained a master‘s degree in the study of prescho-
ol education, both at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana. During her
undergraduate studies, she spent one semester on a student exchange in
Finland, at the University of Oulu. She has been employed at the Najdihoj-
ca kindergarten since September 2009.