Page 387 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 387
povzetki ■ summaries
pertise of teachers primarily as a lecturer. Active learning refers to a student
who is directly involved in the learning process, while the teacher should
give intellectual impetus to students, encourage their curiosity and sup-
port them in work. The aim of this paper was to examine the student`s and
teacher`s opinions on the teaching process, the methods and ways of pupils’
learning and the work of teachers, in order to improve the quality of teach-
ing and the learning process itself. The research was conducted on a select-
ed group of students from the 5th to the 8th grade and on a selected group
of teachers of subject teaching in school „Jovan Dučić“. Descriptive analysis
has revealed that there is a certain degree of disagreement in the way stu-
dents and teachers view the teaching process. The research has shown that
teachers should relate more material of their subjects to other school sub-
jects, include more integrative and project teaching in their work, and link
school materials with everyday life. According to the students‘ answers, we
can assume that they would find it interesting if the experts in certain areas
could attend their lessons or if the older students taught the younger ones.
It is also necessary to encourage students to strengthen their interdiscipli-
nary competence and to link the acquired knowledge to the real require-
ments of the working context of the 21st century. One of the important con-
clusions of our research shows that it is necessary to pay more attention to
the individual characteristics of each student. By adopting these changes in
the work, teachers would approach the principles of active learning, while
students would be more prepared for the future.
Keywords: teaching, learning, student differentiation in teaching, career
guidance for students, multiple linking of teaching materials
pertise of teachers primarily as a lecturer. Active learning refers to a student
who is directly involved in the learning process, while the teacher should
give intellectual impetus to students, encourage their curiosity and sup-
port them in work. The aim of this paper was to examine the student`s and
teacher`s opinions on the teaching process, the methods and ways of pupils’
learning and the work of teachers, in order to improve the quality of teach-
ing and the learning process itself. The research was conducted on a select-
ed group of students from the 5th to the 8th grade and on a selected group
of teachers of subject teaching in school „Jovan Dučić“. Descriptive analysis
has revealed that there is a certain degree of disagreement in the way stu-
dents and teachers view the teaching process. The research has shown that
teachers should relate more material of their subjects to other school sub-
jects, include more integrative and project teaching in their work, and link
school materials with everyday life. According to the students‘ answers, we
can assume that they would find it interesting if the experts in certain areas
could attend their lessons or if the older students taught the younger ones.
It is also necessary to encourage students to strengthen their interdiscipli-
nary competence and to link the acquired knowledge to the real require-
ments of the working context of the 21st century. One of the important con-
clusions of our research shows that it is necessary to pay more attention to
the individual characteristics of each student. By adopting these changes in
the work, teachers would approach the principles of active learning, while
students would be more prepared for the future.
Keywords: teaching, learning, student differentiation in teaching, career
guidance for students, multiple linking of teaching materials