Page 70 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 70
ear ly school leaving: contempor ary european perspectives
4 Contrat Urban de Cohésion Sociale // Urban Contract of Social Cohesion: a measure

of French city policy between 2007 and 2014 in order to help areas with difficulties;
when it expired in 2014, it was replaced in 2015 by 1300 Quartiers prioritaires (QP)
// 1,300 Priority Areas in accordance with an election promise made by President
5 Accompagnement des Collégiens Temporairement Exclus // Assistance to
Temporarily Excluded Students
6 Conseil Général de Seine-Saint-Denis // General Board of Seine-Saint-Denis
7 Centre National d’Enseignement à Distance // National Centre for Distance Learning
8 Interactive assistance and support system of CNED
9 Établissement de Réinsertion Scolaire // Academic Reintegration Institution: an in-
stitution introduced in 2010 for disruptive students aged between 13 and 16
10 Conseiller Principal d’Education // Principal Education Advisor: a special feature of
the French education system
11 Conseiller d’Orientation-Psychologue // Guidance Counsellor-Psychologist
12 Lieu d’Accueil Temporaire Individualisé // Individualised Temporary Reception
13 Contrat d’Insertion dans la VIe Sociale // Social Life Integration Contract
14 Etablissement Pubic d’Insertion de la Defense // Public Institution of (Social)
Defence Integration
15 Office National d’Information Sur les Enseignants et les Professions // National
Information Office for Teachers and Professions

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