Page 67 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 67
the esl situation in france

Field Title (French Type of policy Target public Synthetic description Policy carrier
original // English


Programme de measure/action children between creating personalised path of soci- ACSé3
Réussite Educa- 2 and 16 that show al and academic assistance based on
tive (PRE) // Pro- signs of vulnera- multidisciplinary teams
gramme of Acade- bility and that live
mic Success primarily in the
areas under the city

Programme ACSé measure/action Families with dif- information, listening and assistan- ACSé
Soutien à la paren- ficulties that live in ce actions, creating parent-professi-
talité // ACSé Pro- the priority areas onal links, organisation of joint pa-
gramme of Support of CUCSs4 rent-child activities
to Parenting

ACTE5 measure/action students excluded Taking care of excluded students in CG 936 and
from collège for a order to encourage academic con- MoE
CNED7 – D’Col8 measure/action short period (<5 tinuity and prevent the exclusion MoE – CNED
days) to turn into ESL. The excluded stu- MoE
INTERVENTION Dispositifs relais dents are received out of collège for MoE
(Bride facility/brid- institution students with scho- an academic and socio-educatio- MoE
ging programme) ol difficulties nal assistance essentially provided MoE
youngsters with by specialised teachers: a speci-
ERS9 institution school and behavi- al attention is given to the compre-
our problems, of- hension of the sanction and the re-
GPDS (Groupe measure/action ten in a process of turn to collège
de Prévention du school institution online school support measure
Déchochage schola- rejection (French, Maths, English) that com-
ire // ESL-preventi- students that were bines personal assistance, digital
on Group) excluded multiple educational means and an online
times, but who tutoring by a CNED teacher
LATI 12 institution don't receive a spe- a reinforced educational, school and
cial or adapted pre-school supervision aiming at a
education nor are reinvestment of learning, an approp-
placed in the penal riation of social and school rules in
system order to return to mainstream edu-
students showing cation
signs of ESL (essen-
tially collège and adapted education for at least a
secondary school) month, often the student lives in a
students showing residency in the annexed premises
signs of ESL which permits an ongoing care of
the student

a group around the head of instituti-
on joining all the participants of the
academic community (the teacher,
the CPE10, the COP11, the social wor-
ker…) in order to analyse the situ-
ation of a youngster and find suita-
ble support
reception and pedagogical/educatio-
nal/ psychological care taking place
at the institution

MAAF – Réseau in- network students showing assistance of institutions in setting Ministry of
sertion/égalité des signs of ESL up actions against ESL at the local Agriculture
chances // Mini- and regional level
stry of Agricultu-
re – Integration/
Equal Opportuniti-
es Sector

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