Page 62 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 62
ear ly school leaving: contempor ary european perspectives

This overview of European and French national and local policy and/or op-
erational documents on ESL demonstrates the considerable attention this
issue has received in France in recent years. The declining ESL rates show
that the efforts have been efficient to some extent; however, tackling the dis-
parities among regions and subgroups remains a challenge.

With regard to multi-professional collaboration in tackling ESL it
can be concluded that ESL-prevention groups are a promising measure. In
the future, raising the awareness of all actors involved and empowering
teachers to be partners on an equal footing in these groups is warranted.
Moreover, issues like time and budgetary constraints as well as group com-
position and training need to be considered. Although the official docu-
ments imply that ESL-prevention groups are essentially internal alliances
composed of school staff, practice shows that in some schools the func-
tioning and linking of the ESL-prevention group has been extended to in-
clude external partners, institutions (Maillard et al., 2016). This indicates
that in some schools the ESL-prevention group is already taking the form
of a macro-level educational alliance.

It seems that in the following years the challenge with multi-profes-
sional collaboration will be to put into practice what has been envisioned in
the national strategy and supporting documents. As already mentioned, an
important step towards that goal is to evaluate their functioning in prac-
tice, as is being conducted within the framework of the TITA project.


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Académie Poitiers. (n.d.,b). Mise en œuvre de la politique de lutte contre le dé-
crochage scolaire dans l’académie. Retrieved from

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