Page 269 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 269
ESL Prevention Extended to the Home
Environment: the Relationship Between
(Authoritative) Parenting Style and ESL

Tina Rutar Leban

Research emphasises the positive impact of an authoritative parent-
ing style on school achievements, school engagement and also di-
rectly on ESL. Parents’ behaviour that is accepting, warm and en-
couraging yet also firm and with clear expectations has the most
favourable impact on a child’s/adolescent’s development and also
acts as an ESL preventive factor. Other parenting styles (authoritari-
an, permissive and uninvolved) have been examined less.
The family has been recognised as one of the primary contribu-
tors to children’s and adolescents’ education (e.g. Baumrind, 1971;
Rumberger, 1995; Steinberg, 2001). Different researchers in this
field have focused on structural factors such as family background
(e.g. SES, parent education etc.) in relation to children’s academic
achievement and ESL (e.g. McNeal, 1999). Others tried to provide
insights into which parenting practices promote school success and
prevent ESL (e.g. Alexander, Entwisle, & Kabbani, 2001; Jimerson et
al., 2000 etc.). Some researchers (e.g. Steinberg, 2001; Blondal, 2009;
2014) suggest that, to better understand the influence parents have
on their child’s/adolescents’ education, it is better to look at a con-
ceptualisation of child/adolescent upbringing that characterises par-
ents’ actions in a broader perspective, such as the parenting style (i.e.

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