Page 97 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 97
š. javornik et al. ■ bullying of eighth graders in slovenian primary schools

itarian society, and there are no major differences in the dispersion of in-
come and wealth. Based on our SES variable, the majority of eighth grade
students in Slovenia belong to the middle category with medium socioec-
onomic status. Findings of the study indicate that students with lower so-
cioeconomic status do not tend to be more frequently subjected to peer
violence than those students that live in families with higher economic
status. Even if this is good news for us, school violence is still very present
in schools around Slovenia.

Multiple linear regression has shown that there are some variables
that seem to be connected to bullying and peer violence. All of them are
related to current and future (anticipated) participation of the students
(expected student participation in illegal protest activities, the student
participation in the wider community, student participation at school,
student trust in civic institutions, student interaction at school, and the
principal perceptions on student opportunity to participate in commu-
nity activities). We can assume that student participation or preparing
them for the future participation could reduce the frequency of bullying
in school, which is an important finding.

An important goal for education is to establish a safe and stimulat-
ing learning environment which is necessary for all students regardless of
their race, ethnicity, gender or SES. Peer violence and bullying can have
terrible and long-lasting consequences, and this is why more research on
violence among students is needed. The topic can be further investigat-
ed as an important determinant of school climate. This study is a small
contribution to researching peer violence, and there are needs for fur-
ther studies as all violence should be well investigated as well as the back-
ground of it in order to contribute to the policies which can prevent these
things from happening.

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