Page 93 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 93
š. javornik et al. ■ bullying of eighth graders in slovenian primary schools

still present and any level of bullying in a school is too high, so we should
therefore work towards decreasing it.

The results from the multiple linear regression (see the “Methodolo-
gy” section) are presented below. All the results are reported using stand-
ardized regression coefficients because the different variables can have dif-
ferent metrics.

Two groups of variables were identified as containing the most vari-
ables related to the frequency of a student being bullied: student civic be-
havior and knowledge, and the school climate (positive school environ-
ment). The full list of variables can be found below.
– Student interest in social and political issues (composite scale, stu-

dent questionnaire)
– Student discussion on political and social issues outside the school

(composite scale, student questionnaire)
– Student expected participation in illegal protest activities (compos-

ite scale, student questionnaire)
– Student expected participation in legal activities (composite scale,

student questionnaire)
– Student expected active political participation (composite scale, stu-

dent questionnaire)
– Student participation in the wider community (composite scale, stu-

dent questionnaire)
– Student participation at school (composite scale, student question-

– Student perception on the importance of personal responsibility for

citizenship (composite scale, student questionnaire)
– Student perception of the value of participation at school (composite

scale, student questionnaire)
– Student endorsement of gender equality (composite scale, student

– Student positive attitude towards Slovenia (composite scale, student

– Student trust in civic institutions (composite scale, student ques-

– Student engagement with social media (composite scale, student

– Student perception of student interaction at school (composite scale,

student questionnaire)
– Student perception of student-teacher relations (composite scale,

student questionnaire)

   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98