Page 99 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 99
prezelj et al. ■ islamist radicalisation towards extreme violence and terrorism

globalist character, and the fact it is more expansive than analogue alter-
natives. Therefore, the internet is a more affordable platform for propa-
ganda distribution, recruitment, fundraising, reconnaissance, and opera-
tional coordination than any other existing means. Khosrokhavar (2017:
p. 57) added that the internet actually represents “an instrument that am-
plifies the capacity for violence in radical people or groups by allowing
types of communication that forgo rigid structures and face-to-face meet-
ings.” It can even be said that in the today’s society terrorist groups would
not exist (at least not on a scale they do) without the use and presence of
social media.

Figure 1: Radicalisation process and propaganda

Example of the Magazine Inspire

In this sub-chapter, we present and briefly analyze an example of radi-
calisation and propaganda tools, called Inspire. Inspire has been one of
the main magazines published by Islamist radicals spread over the inter-
net to large masses in different continents, including to Western Europe.
Inspire is an English-language magazine published by al-Qaeda of Arab
Peninsula (AQAP). ISIS has been publishing a similar online magazine

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