Page 103 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 103
prezelj et al. ■ islamist radicalisation towards extreme violence and terrorism

and cause victims (mainly civilians). In the issue number 17, there
is a 20-page long instruction on how to assemble a homemade train
derailment tool (the entire issue is about public transport, specifical-
ly about public railway systems). In their words, this form of weapon
distinguishes itself from others because it is:

easy to design; operation is not martyrdom operation, thus it can be re-
peated; easy to hide your tracks from forensics /…/, causes great impact
on the economy; the enemy is confused /…/ new kind of attack; security
agencies will be puzzled and confused to find a solution.

Some other issues offer instructions how to build pressure cook-
er bombs, explosives for home assassinations (parcel bombs, door
trap bombs, and magnetic car bombs), timed hand grenades, hidden
bombs made with simple kitchen materials, etc.

- As we can see, the radicalisation process stimulated by Inspire mag-
azine is multi-layered. Not only it describes the “How to?” it also
describes the “Why?” and “Who?”. Every gruesome act that a fu-
ture terrorist should commit is supported by verses from the Quran,
which in the view of authors and editor adds to the credibility of the
article and the whole terrorist action.


This paper argued that the basic point of Islamist radicalisation process is
to win the hearts and minds of people. We can confirm this argument and
give the following explanation how this is done in the Islamist radicalisa-
tion process. We found out that radicalisation is a vital process for a radi-
cal or terrorist social group because it enables them to obtain future mem-
bers, fighters, and supporters. Youngsters are more vulnerable to such a
process than older people. Especially critical is the misuse of Islamic reli-
gious texts as an excuse or legitimisation to use violence for achieving very
narrow political aims. The next stage is the extensive use of propaganda,
especially through the internet and social media. The cases of al-Qaeda
and ISIS show that the hearts and minds of the population can be won by
indiscriminately using attractiveness (carrots) and threats (sticks) in the
propaganda process. The main factors of propaganda by terrorist groups
that affect radicalisation are selective memory, amplification of certain
messages, creation of an illusion of supreme Islamic truth and supreme re-
ality, claiming responsibility for attacks, misuse of religion and specific re-
ligious texts, the mobilisation into an attractive and important endeavor,
extortion, the dehumanisation of enemies, threats, etc.

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