Page 100 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 100
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 5–6

called Dabiq. We also have other magazines published in the past, such as
Jihad Recollections with a few issues in 2009.

Inspire is an online magazine that is published irregularly. The latest
issues are Summer 2017 (17), Autumn 2016 (16), Spring 2016 (15), Autumn
2015 (14), Winter 2014 (13), etc. This means we cannot predict publishing
date of new issues of the magazine. But, all new issues will be available on
the internet for all interested radicals.

Propagandistic radicalisation moves can be found in all 17 issues of
Inspire magazine. In the last issue from 2017 (pages 14–16), author Hamza
Usama bin Laden gives advice to anyone who intends to carry out a “mar-
tyrdom operation.” Below, we added our comments in parentheses to ex-
plain broader characteristics of the radicalisation move. In the beginning
of the article, the author asks Allah for mercy upon all the great martyrs,
who already committed attacks for Ummah (move of glorification of
the extreme act, legitimisation by referring to Allah). The article is writ-
ten in story-like style, full of words like: noble knight, the greatest of vir-
tues, glory, worship, blessed operation, etc. (this creates an attractiveness
and desire to be a part of this process). Allah is also dubbed as the great-
est of protectors3 for whom, the martyr has to do the best deeds. Only in
this way Allah will have a good opinion of the future terrorist (this cre-
ates an illusion that there is only one way and nothing else). The future
terrorist has to prioritise his targets and the article identifies the follow-
ing prioritised targets: people who violate “pure” religion of jihadists and/
or the prophet, Jews, American crusaders, if unable to find Americans,
NATO member states crusaders, and Russians for their interference in
matters of Islam (this represents an operationalisation of effort and an at-
tempt to direct the radicalised person). The author stressed that when at-
tacking these targets the terrorist has to convey the message of the “bless-
ed operation” through the media. The intent of the attack must be well
known to the masses (this serves to spread the message on its purpose,
and also to spread the fear to the broader audience). If a radicalised per-
son follows this advice, the propaganda circle is completed. A person was
attracted, motivated and persuaded, directed and his/her act was trans-
mitted to many different publics by various media (multiplication of the
impact). Additionally, a successful attack by such a person will likely be
documented and consequently serve to create new propagandistic mate-
rial for new recruits. This is why Inspire also reports in detail about some

3 Followed by the lines from Quran: “If Allah is your helper, none can overcome you. And if He
forsakes you, who is there after Him who can help you?” [3: 160]

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