Page 101 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 101
prezelj et al. ■ islamist radicalisation towards extreme violence and terrorism

past successful terrorist attacks. These reports include explanation on the
why and how these attacks were carried out.

A person that calls himself Sheikh Hamd bin Hamoud Al-Tameemy
sums up the target selection in one of the magazines published in 2017. He
published it in a part of the magazine called “Ruling of the Lone Jihad”
(this part reflects the wish to influence lone wolves, that is people who
radicalise by themselves using such literature). He claims, that it is way
easier to target the “so-called male civilians” in comparison to military
targets. The latter expect own casualties while the former (civilians) do
not. He also points out that attacks on civilians will ignite more fear, and
that fear will spread among the entire population and not only within
the military personnel. The same person described categories of the target
civilian population in an issue of Inspire from 2016. He divided civilian
non-Muslim population in four different categories (the first three cate-
gories are protected by Sharia law):

- non-believers who have peace agreements of ceasing fight with

- non-Muslims who live under the rule and protection of Islam,
- protected non-Muslims, and
- ‘combatant non-believers’ also dubbed as infidels.

Every Muslim has the “right” to fight these non-believers (the last
category above) at any given time and at any given place, claims the au-
thor. This was followed by the lines from Quran:

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wher-
ever you find them and capture them and besiege them, and sit in wait
for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish
prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiv-
ing and Merciful. And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they
fight against you collectively.

And additional lines were also included:

And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wher-
ever they have expelled you.

Content of Inspire magazine can be distributed in two different pil-
lars. The first pillar consists of articles that sum up the main events since
the last issue (official statements and Inspire reactions), personal informa-
tion about terrorists who committed attacks (sometimes dubbed as ‘mar-
tyrs’), interviews with influential people in al-Qaeda, guidance about tar-
get selection and lifestyle, and specific instructions for homemade IEDs

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