Page 102 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 102
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 5–6

(improvised explosive devices) and other devices with which one can harm
civilians. The second pillar consists of themes that are part of the everyday
lives of perpetrators. These are mainly recommendations for future perpe-
trators (sometimes dubbed as ‘martyrdom seekers’), on how to overcome
the fear in Jihad, including the quotes by influential al-Qaida members to
be followed (entitled “Words of Wisdom”), etc.

Specifically, the entire Inspire content is divided into several sections.
- Editor’s letter. In the beginning of every issue, the editor, called by

the name Yahya Ibrahim, shortly sums up the entire issue. The sum-
mary is full of advertising of Jihadi ideas. The language is strongly
anti-American4, and it advises potential recruits and radicals to car-
ry out attacks in the future;
- The second rubric consists of statements about the US military raids
and own operations by the Mujahedeen martyrs. In cases of mili-
tary operations done by the United States, Inspire offers condolenc-
es to Muslim brothers and glorifies lost martyrs. Executed terrorist
attacks against civilians are praised under the term “blessed oper-
ations.” Statements are full of praise, congratulations, and Quran
verses, and Arabic poetry. Perpetrators are elevated into heroes, who
fulfilled their promises (“when the heroes were assigned, they acceded
to,” “they promised and fulfilled,” “congratulations to you,” “o Ummah
of Islam, for this vengeance that has soothed our chests”).
- The rubric called “Words of Wisdom.” In some 100 words, influen-
tial al-Qaeda members (dead or alive) are quoted. Usama bin Laden
has been quoted in the 17th issue of the magazine, even though he
had been killed in a military operation led by the United States in
year 2011. Therefore, the cult of personality outlives these main fig-
ures of terrorist organisations. His quote addresses future perpetra-
tors and radicals: “. . . in front of you is a great opportunity to resist this
oppression and tyranny that has for decades been upon you. . .” In some
cases quotes from influential people in terrorist world are backed up
by lines from Quran as described already above.
- The rubric called “Open Source Jihad.” This part of the magazine
gives specific instructions how to build weapons at home, such as
IEDs. It also describes how to create damage (mainly to economy)

4 In his letter in the beginning of the issue 15 (spring 2016), the editor has stressed the dis-
ruption United States created in the Middle East. He stated that the United States are
“exhausting and weakening the Sunni population, so it can not enjoy living a free life under
Sharia.” He also claimed that politics of United States is cowardly and “dirty,” because it is
unable to confront Muslims directly on the ground. He also claimed that Democrats are
smilingly stabbing Muslims in the back, while the Republicans openly kill them.

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