Page 104 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 104
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 5–6

Based on this, we can describe Islamist propaganda as the preme-
diated spread of messages to potential targets, sympathisers, members
of terrorist organizations, and their enemies through online social plat-
forms and traditional media with the intention of winning the hearts
and minds or deterring the enemy. The latter is easily done by showing
merciless violence (e.g. beheadings, shooting people in front of cameras,
etc.). Additional lessons from the magazine Inspire confirm that messag-
es of attraction and messages of violence are simultaneously combined
in an Islamic propaganda approach. Each number of this magazine in-
cludes messages of glorification of the brave acts, legitimisation using re-
ligious quotes, a desire to be a part of a violent Islamist Jihad, the oper-
ationalisation of desire to help by identification of potential targets, etc.
Messages that there is no other alternative are also involved. The radical-
isation approach also takes care about publicizing preparation and execu-
tion of attacks, and uses such messages for spreading fear, getting support,
and teaching new radicals how to attack. Additionally, Islamist propagan-
da involves specific instructions how to build explosive devices and oth-
er weapons at home. All this is done in combination with Arabic poetry,
Quran verses, and instructions how to overcome fear, descriptions of he-
roic brothers who killed many people, etc.

The question is how to fight such the multi-layered process of radi-
calisation, especially at the point of our highest vulnerability: youngsters.
Schools, families, and social networks play a crucial role here. Families pro-
vide children their primary socialisation, where children are taught to dis-
tinguish right from wrong. The socialisation of children in schools should
also focus on talking about the presently taboo theme – the radicalisa-
tion of youngsters. Children should be educated about radicalisation, es-
pecially about online radicalisation, and extreme violence, and the same
goes for teachers and social workers. The educational system should per-
ceive radicalisation process as a reality. From this standpoint, many work-
shops and lectures should be held for youngsters, where the consequenc-
es of radicalisation process would be shown. More studies with the best
and worst practices should be conducted and publicly presented, teachers
should be more careful about deviations from normal behavior in class-
rooms and in public, and the presence of the above analyzed propaganda.
We also need more comparative studies on radicalisation and de-radicali-
sation. The de-radicalisation process should also aim to win the hearts and
minds of population, and therefore use all possible media and education-
al tools to present alternative narratives. Schools should be able to identify
early indicators of Islamist or any other radicalisation with groups of kids

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