Page 213 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 213
kozina, m. štraus ■ relationship between academic achievement and wellbeing ...
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Ridner, S. L., Newton, K. S., Staten, R. R., Crawford, T. N., & Hall, L.
A. (2016). Predictors of wellbeing among college students. Journal of
American College Health, 64(2), 116–124.
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The Journal of Pediatrics, 156, 711–718.
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psychological environment, and early adolescents’ psychological and
behavioural functioning in school: The mediating role of goals and be-
longing. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 408–422.
Roorda, D. L., Koomen, M. Y., Spilt, J. L., & Oort, F. J. (2011). The influ-
ence of affective teacher-student relationship on student’s school en-
gagement and achievement: A meta-analytic approach. Review for
Educational research, 8(4), 493–529.
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2009). Promoting self-determined school en-
gagement. Handbook of motivation at school, 171–195.
Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Guhn, M., Gadermann, A. M., Hymel, S., Sweiss,
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ing and assets across multiple contexts. Social indicators research, 114(2),
Seligman, M. E. (2011). Learned optimism: How to change your mind and
your life. Vintage.
Singh, K., Bickley, P, Trivette, P., Keith, T. Z., Keith, P. B., & Anderson, E.
(1995). The effects of four components of parental involvement on ei-
ghth grade student achievement: Structural analysis of NELS-88 data.
School Psychology Review, 24, 299–317.
Skinner, E. A., Pitzer, J. R., & Steele, J. S. (2016). Can student engagement
serve as a motivational resource for academic coping, persistence,
OECD (2017 and forthcoming). PISA 2015 Technical Report.
Retrieved August 12, 2017 from:
Quinn, P.D. & Duckworth, A.L. (2007). Happiness and academic achieve-
ment: Evidence for reciprocal causality. Poster session presented at
the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science,
Washington, D.C. Retrieved from:
Peklaj, C. & Pečjak, S. (2015). Psihosocialni odnosi v šoli. [Psychosocial re-
lationships in school]. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske
Ridner, S. L., Newton, K. S., Staten, R. R., Crawford, T. N., & Hall, L.
A. (2016). Predictors of wellbeing among college students. Journal of
American College Health, 64(2), 116–124.
Roberts, C. K., Freed, B., & McCarthy, W. J. (2010). Low aerobic fitness and
obesity are associated with lower standardized test scores in children.
The Journal of Pediatrics, 156, 711–718.
Roeser, R. W., Midgley, C., & Urdan, T. C. (1996). Perceptions of the school
psychological environment, and early adolescents’ psychological and
behavioural functioning in school: The mediating role of goals and be-
longing. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 408–422.
Roorda, D. L., Koomen, M. Y., Spilt, J. L., & Oort, F. J. (2011). The influ-
ence of affective teacher-student relationship on student’s school en-
gagement and achievement: A meta-analytic approach. Review for
Educational research, 8(4), 493–529.
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2009). Promoting self-determined school en-
gagement. Handbook of motivation at school, 171–195.
Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Guhn, M., Gadermann, A. M., Hymel, S., Sweiss,
L., & Hertzman, C. (2013). Development and validation of the Middle
Years Development Instrument (MDI): Assessing children’s wellbe-
ing and assets across multiple contexts. Social indicators research, 114(2),
Seligman, M. E. (2011). Learned optimism: How to change your mind and
your life. Vintage.
Singh, K., Bickley, P, Trivette, P., Keith, T. Z., Keith, P. B., & Anderson, E.
(1995). The effects of four components of parental involvement on ei-
ghth grade student achievement: Structural analysis of NELS-88 data.
School Psychology Review, 24, 299–317.
Skinner, E. A., Pitzer, J. R., & Steele, J. S. (2016). Can student engagement
serve as a motivational resource for academic coping, persistence,