Page 209 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 209
kozina, m. štraus ■ relationship between academic achievement and wellbeing ...
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How different are they really? Educational Psychology Review, 15, 1–40.
Bradley, B.J., & Greene, A. C. (2013). Do Health and Education Agencies in
the United States Share Responsibility for Academic Achievement and
Health? A Review of 25 Years of Evidence About the Relationship of
Adolescents’ Academic Achievement and Health Behaviours. Journal
of Adolescent Health, 52, 523–532.
Brown, K. M., Anfara Jr, V. A., & Roney, K. (2004). Student achievement in
high performing, suburban middle schools and low performing, urban
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Caprara, G. V., Barbaranelli, C., Pastorelli, C., Bandura, A., & Zimbardo,
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Camfield, L. Streuli, N., & Woodhead, M. (2009). What’s the use of ‘well-
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ing and children’s participation. International Journal of Children’s
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Catalano, R. F., Berglund, M. L., Ryan, J. A., Lonczak, H. S., & Hawkins,
J. D. (2002). Positive youth development in the United States:
Research findings on evaluations of positive youth development pro-
grams. Prevention & Treatment, 5(1), 15.
Antaramian, S. P., Huebner, E. S., Hills, K. J., & Valois, R. F. (2010). A du-
al-factor model of mental health: toward a more comprehensive under-
standing of youth functioning. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,
80, 462–472.
Aronson, J. (2002). Improving academic achievement. Impact of
Psychological factors on Education.
Avsec, A. (2007). Psihodiagnostika osebnosti [Psychodiagnostics of
Personality]. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani.
Bird, J. M., & Markle, R. S. (2012). Subjective Wellbeing in School
Environments: Promoting Positive Youth Development Through
Evidence-Based Assessment and Intervention. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 82, 1, 61–66.
Blum, R. W., Libbey, H. P., Bishop, J. H., & Bishop, M. (2004). School con-
nectedness–strengthening health and education outcomes for teenag-
ers. Journal of School Health, 74 (7), 231–235.
Borgonovi, F., & Pal, J. (2016). A framework for the analyses of students
wellbeing in the PISA 2015 study. OECD educational working papers,
no. 140. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Bong, M., & Skaalvik, E. M. (2003). Academic self-concept and self-efficacy:
How different are they really? Educational Psychology Review, 15, 1–40.
Bradley, B.J., & Greene, A. C. (2013). Do Health and Education Agencies in
the United States Share Responsibility for Academic Achievement and
Health? A Review of 25 Years of Evidence About the Relationship of
Adolescents’ Academic Achievement and Health Behaviours. Journal
of Adolescent Health, 52, 523–532.
Brown, K. M., Anfara Jr, V. A., & Roney, K. (2004). Student achievement in
high performing, suburban middle schools and low performing, urban
middle schools: Plausible explanations for the differences. Education
and urban society, 36(4), 428–456.
Caprara, G. V., Barbaranelli, C., Pastorelli, C., Bandura, A., & Zimbardo,
P. G. (2000). Pro-social foundations of children’s academic achieve-
ment. Psychological science, 11(4), 302–306.
Camfield, L. Streuli, N., & Woodhead, M. (2009). What’s the use of ‘well-
being’ in contexts of child poverty? Approaches to research, monitor-
ing and children’s participation. International Journal of Children’s
Rights, 17(1), 65–109.
Catalano, R. F., Berglund, M. L., Ryan, J. A., Lonczak, H. S., & Hawkins,
J. D. (2002). Positive youth development in the United States:
Research findings on evaluations of positive youth development pro-
grams. Prevention & Treatment, 5(1), 15.