Page 232 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 5-6: Pravičnost, neoliberalizem in izobraževanje, ur. Urška Štremfel
P. 232
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 5–6
in soavtorica več prispevkov s področij, s katerimi se raziskovalno ukvar
ja, v domačih in tujih znanstvenih revijah ter monografskih publikacijah.
Veronika Tašner, PhD, is an Assistant for Sociology of Education at the
Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. Her work involves research
into meritocracy, equality and inequality in education, private education,
and gender and education. She has participated in various research pro
jects dealing with education and its potential to reduce inequalities in the
ones related to the future of education. She has authored or co-authored
several articles and chapters in the areas of her research in Slovene and fo
reign scientific journals and monographs.
Slavko Gaber
Dr. Slavko Gaber je izredni profesor na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v
Ljubljani. Ukvarja se s poljem sociologije vzgoje (enakost, pravičnost, in
kluzija …) in edukacijskih politik (moč, oblast in edukacija, reforme v
vzgoji in izobraževanju, ugotavljanje in zagotavljanje kakovosti v eduka
Slavko Gaber, PhD, is associate professor at the Faculty of Education -
University of Ljubljana. His fields of expertise cover Sociology of Edu
cation (equity, equality, social inclusion...) and education policy studies
(power and education; education reforms and organisation; quality asses
sment and assurance in education...).
Ana Mladenović
Ana Mladenović, rojena 1988 v Celju, je diplomirala iz sociologije na Fa
kulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani. V diplomskem delu je analizirala po
men socialnega kapitala v edukativnem procesu. Leta 2015 je zaključila
magistrski študij sociologije, kjer se je v sklopu modula Študiji spola in
spolnosti ukvarjala s pozno moderno konstrukcijo materinstva in žensko
sti. Trenutno je zaposlena kot mlada raziskovalka na Pedagoškem inšti
tutu, študij pa nadaljuje na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer
pripravlja doktorsko disertacijo s področja edukacijskih ved in feministič
ne teorije.
Ana Mladenović, born in Celje in 1988, graduated in Sociology at the Fa
culty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. In her thesis she analysed the impor
tance of social capital in the education process. She finished her postgra
duate studies of Sociology, with a focus on Gender and Sexuality Studies,
in 2015. Her master thesis was on the construction of motherhood and fe
mininity in late modernity. She is currently employed as an early stage re
searcher at Educational Research Institute and continues her studies at
Faculty of Education in Ljubljana, where she is writing her PhD disserta
tion in the field of education and feminist theory.
in soavtorica več prispevkov s področij, s katerimi se raziskovalno ukvar
ja, v domačih in tujih znanstvenih revijah ter monografskih publikacijah.
Veronika Tašner, PhD, is an Assistant for Sociology of Education at the
Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. Her work involves research
into meritocracy, equality and inequality in education, private education,
and gender and education. She has participated in various research pro
jects dealing with education and its potential to reduce inequalities in the
ones related to the future of education. She has authored or co-authored
several articles and chapters in the areas of her research in Slovene and fo
reign scientific journals and monographs.
Slavko Gaber
Dr. Slavko Gaber je izredni profesor na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v
Ljubljani. Ukvarja se s poljem sociologije vzgoje (enakost, pravičnost, in
kluzija …) in edukacijskih politik (moč, oblast in edukacija, reforme v
vzgoji in izobraževanju, ugotavljanje in zagotavljanje kakovosti v eduka
Slavko Gaber, PhD, is associate professor at the Faculty of Education -
University of Ljubljana. His fields of expertise cover Sociology of Edu
cation (equity, equality, social inclusion...) and education policy studies
(power and education; education reforms and organisation; quality asses
sment and assurance in education...).
Ana Mladenović
Ana Mladenović, rojena 1988 v Celju, je diplomirala iz sociologije na Fa
kulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani. V diplomskem delu je analizirala po
men socialnega kapitala v edukativnem procesu. Leta 2015 je zaključila
magistrski študij sociologije, kjer se je v sklopu modula Študiji spola in
spolnosti ukvarjala s pozno moderno konstrukcijo materinstva in žensko
sti. Trenutno je zaposlena kot mlada raziskovalka na Pedagoškem inšti
tutu, študij pa nadaljuje na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer
pripravlja doktorsko disertacijo s področja edukacijskih ved in feministič
ne teorije.
Ana Mladenović, born in Celje in 1988, graduated in Sociology at the Fa
culty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. In her thesis she analysed the impor
tance of social capital in the education process. She finished her postgra
duate studies of Sociology, with a focus on Gender and Sexuality Studies,
in 2015. Her master thesis was on the construction of motherhood and fe
mininity in late modernity. She is currently employed as an early stage re
searcher at Educational Research Institute and continues her studies at
Faculty of Education in Ljubljana, where she is writing her PhD disserta
tion in the field of education and feminist theory.