Page 234 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 5-6: Pravičnost, neoliberalizem in izobraževanje, ur. Urška Štremfel
P. 234
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 5–6
agresivnosti in anksioznosti (obdobje otroštva in mladostništva) ter z nju
no interakcijo na ravni posameznika in širšega družbenega okolja (vključ
no z razvojem preventivnih in intervencijskih dejavnosti). Na področju
pedagoške psihologije se ukvarja s preučevanjem dejavnikov (šolska kli
ma, socialno in čustveno učenje, motivacija …), ki vplivajo na učne dosež
ke otrok in mladostnikov.
Ana Kozina, PhD, is a researcher, assistant professor and the head of the
Centre for evaluation studies in Educational Research Institute. Her
work is in the field of developmental and educational psychology. She is
focused on the developmental and time related trends of aggression and
anxiety (in childhood and adolescence), their interplay and the role that
anxiety and aggression play on the individual level, on the school level and
on the community level (with possible prevention and intervention desi
gns). In the field of education she is interested in the factors related to stu
dents’ achievement (school climate, social and emotional learning, moti
Valerija Vendarmin
Valerija Vendramin je doktorica ženskih študij, zaposlena pa je kot višja
znanstvena sodelavka na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Med njenimi
interesnimi področji so edukacijske študije, ženske študije in feministična
teorija ter kulturne študije (v tem okviru se ukvarja s problematiko, ki za
deva konceptualizacijo spolne razlike, kurikulum in feministične kritike
znanosti oz. epistemološka vprašanja).
Valerija Vendramin, PhD in Women’s Studies, is a senior research associa
te at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. Among her current
fields of interest are educational studies, women’s studies and feminist
theory, cultural studies (predominantly, but not exclusively, in connec
tion to the issues concerning the conceptualization of sexual difference,
curriculum and the feminist critiques of science together with epistemo
logical issues.).
Marjan Šimenc
Marjan Šimenc je izredni profesor za filozofijo in docent za sociologi
jo vzgoje. Deluje na Pedagoški fakulteti (Ljubljana), Filozofski fakulteti
(Ljubljana) in na Pedagoškem inštitutu. Raziskovalno deluje na področju
filozofija in sociologija vzgoje.
Marjan Šimenc, PhD, is an associate professor of philosophy and assistant
professor of Sociology of Education. He works at the Faculty of Educati
on (Ljubljana) and the Faculty of Arts (Ljubljana). His main research in
terests are philosophy and Sociology of Education.
agresivnosti in anksioznosti (obdobje otroštva in mladostništva) ter z nju
no interakcijo na ravni posameznika in širšega družbenega okolja (vključ
no z razvojem preventivnih in intervencijskih dejavnosti). Na področju
pedagoške psihologije se ukvarja s preučevanjem dejavnikov (šolska kli
ma, socialno in čustveno učenje, motivacija …), ki vplivajo na učne dosež
ke otrok in mladostnikov.
Ana Kozina, PhD, is a researcher, assistant professor and the head of the
Centre for evaluation studies in Educational Research Institute. Her
work is in the field of developmental and educational psychology. She is
focused on the developmental and time related trends of aggression and
anxiety (in childhood and adolescence), their interplay and the role that
anxiety and aggression play on the individual level, on the school level and
on the community level (with possible prevention and intervention desi
gns). In the field of education she is interested in the factors related to stu
dents’ achievement (school climate, social and emotional learning, moti
Valerija Vendarmin
Valerija Vendramin je doktorica ženskih študij, zaposlena pa je kot višja
znanstvena sodelavka na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Med njenimi
interesnimi področji so edukacijske študije, ženske študije in feministična
teorija ter kulturne študije (v tem okviru se ukvarja s problematiko, ki za
deva konceptualizacijo spolne razlike, kurikulum in feministične kritike
znanosti oz. epistemološka vprašanja).
Valerija Vendramin, PhD in Women’s Studies, is a senior research associa
te at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. Among her current
fields of interest are educational studies, women’s studies and feminist
theory, cultural studies (predominantly, but not exclusively, in connec
tion to the issues concerning the conceptualization of sexual difference,
curriculum and the feminist critiques of science together with epistemo
logical issues.).
Marjan Šimenc
Marjan Šimenc je izredni profesor za filozofijo in docent za sociologi
jo vzgoje. Deluje na Pedagoški fakulteti (Ljubljana), Filozofski fakulteti
(Ljubljana) in na Pedagoškem inštitutu. Raziskovalno deluje na področju
filozofija in sociologija vzgoje.
Marjan Šimenc, PhD, is an associate professor of philosophy and assistant
professor of Sociology of Education. He works at the Faculty of Educati
on (Ljubljana) and the Faculty of Arts (Ljubljana). His main research in
terests are philosophy and Sociology of Education.