Page 108 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 108
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 3–4

d. Do you think the rights are understandable to all children – both
children in elementary and secondary school?

Indicator 8: Children are represented in forums, including through their
own organisations, at school, on local, regional and national governance
1. Class president – how is he/she chosen (chosen by students or teach-

ers, in what way)? Who is the most suitable/less suitable to be a class
2. Do you have a school parliament at your school? Do you have an op-
portunity to join the school parliament?
3. Do you have a children’s municipal council in your municipality and
do you have an opportunity to join it?
4. Can you participate in the regional children’s parliament?
5. Can you participate in the state children’s parliament?
- If YES: Do you think you have a significant influence on the de-
cisions? Are your suggestions taken seriously?
- If NOT: Why do you think there is no children’s parliament in
your school or why do no children attend it?
- Are there certain groups of children who, in your opinion, are not
members of organisations or do not participate in parliaments? Why
- How important do you think it is to have representatives of all
children in the city/region/country in children’s parliaments (fo-
rums)? (E.g. an equal number of boys and girls, children of different
ages, children with different abilities including children with disa-
bilities, children with different backgrounds (migrants, ethnic mi-
norities, asylum-seekers).

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