Page 107 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 107
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Indicator 7: Children are provided with information about their right to
participate in decision-making
1. What do you think are your rights?
2. Do you know that you have the right to express your opinion –

that your voice is heard and that you are taken seriously (at home,
at school, in the local community, at the doctor’s, at the CSW, in
3. How did you find out about these rights (were you told by teachers
at school, parents, siblings, classmates, friends, anyone else)?
4. Did you learn about these rights in school? Did you perhaps learn
anything about the topic of human rights at school? (In which
5. If these rights were explained to you, did you understand the
a. Do you think that child-friendly information on rights is acces-
sible to all children – children of different ages and abilities (for ex-
ample, children who cannot hear)?
b. Do you think that participation rights are equally accessible to
children in large cities and small villages?
c. Do you think child-friendly information is available to vulnera-
ble children (children in hospitals, youth prisons, detention centres,
care facilities or asylum homes)?

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