Page 256 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 256
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 3–4
prevajalka in recenzentka), poleg zgoraj omenjenih tem tudi na temo in­
Martina Ozbič, PhD, born in Trieste in 1971, is an assistant professor at
the Faculty of Education - University of Ljubljana. She is a special pedago­
gist, speech and language therapist and teacher for deaf and hard of hea­
ring people. She has lectures mainly about speech and language disorders
for MA and BA degrees of speech and language therapy and pedagogy for
deaf and hard of hearing people, and at the doctoral degree level in educa­
tional sciences. Her research is focused on experimental and applied pho­
netics, developmental phonology and assessment of speech, language and
communication, further in prevention in the preschool period. She is ac­
tive in both the national and international community especially in the
field of clinical linguistics. Her bibliography includes 329 units as a (co)
author, mentor, author of adaptation/translations, reviewer of the above
mentioned themes and in addition on theme of inclusion.
Helena Bažec
Po diplomi iz italijanskega in angleškega jezika na Filozofski fakulteti
Univerze v Ljubljani je vpisala magistrski študij iz didaktike in promocije
italijanskega jezika in kulture na Univerzi Ca‘ Foscari v Benetkah, kjer je
leta 2011 uspešno zaključila tudi doktorski študij na Oddelku Scienze del
linguaggio. Od leta 2006 je zaposlena na Fakulteti za humanistične štu­
dije Univerze na Primorskem (Oddelek za italijanistiko), kjer se posveča
predmetom s področja jezika in prevajanja. Od leta 2008 je članica držav­
ne predmetne izpitne komisije za poklicno maturo iz italijanskega jezika
kot tujega in drugega jezika.
After graduating from Italian and English at the Faculty of Arts in Lju­
bljana, Helene enrolled in postgraduate studies in Didactics and Promoti­
on of Italian Language and Culture (ITALS) at the University Ca’ Foscari
in Venice, where she finished successfully her PhD studies at the Depart­
ment of Language Sciences in 2011. Since 2006 she has been employed at
the Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Department of Itali­
an Studies, working in the field of linguistics and translation. Since 2008
she has been a member of the national Committee for the Vocational Ma­
tura in Italian as a Second and Foreign Language.

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