Page 28 - Educational Research Institute: A few facts. Pedagoški inštitut: Ljubljana, 2019.
P. 28
Scientific Conference
Every year since 2016, the Educational Research Institute (ERI), the
Slovenian Educational Research Association (SLODRE) and the
26 Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European
Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS) have organised a
scientific conference entitled “Research in Education and Training”.
The primary objective of this national scientific conference is the
dissemination of research results and the exchange of experience,
identification of key issues, challenges, and obstacles in education,
as well as the promotion and development of research in general.
For the last two years, one of the objectives of the conference has
also been to accentuate the role and the meaning of international
cooperation in the support of upbringing and education, while at the
same time remaining open to all other approaches and orientations.
Every year, in the framework of the conference, the Awards and
Prizes Committee of the Educational Research Institute and SLODRE
also present three awards in the field of upbringing and educational
research (the Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation in the Field
of Upbringing and Educational Research, the Award for
Extraordinary Achievements in the Field of Upbringing and
Educational Research, and the Award for Lifetime Achievement in
the Field of Upbringing and Educational Research).
You can find out more about the conference and the awards at

ERI Discussions
ERI Discussions are in-depth monthly discussions related to
different themes within the scope of the Educational Research
Institute. Usually, they take place every second Wednesday of the
month in the Trubar House of Literature.
The themes discussed are generally in line with the activities
implemented by the Educational Research Institute; however, they
are discussed in a much broader aspect, exceeding the boundaries
of academic discourse and of its methodologies. Their purpose is to
open up the space for public reflection, thus making it possible to
bring the active plurality of perspectives back to life, and have both
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