Page 279 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 279
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Rethinking language teaching:
the theory and practice of plurilingual education
Ponovni razmislek o poučevanju jezikov: teorija in
praksa raznojezičnega izobraževanja
David Little, Trinity College
Déirdre Kirwan, Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní), Blanchardstown
This article describes the plurilingual and intercultural approach to pri-
mary education developed by Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní), Blanchardstown,
Ireland. The article begins by outlining the Council of Europe’s concept
of plurilingual and intercultural education and its pedagogical implica-
tions. It then describes Scoil Bhríde in context, explains its approach to
language education, and summarizes the learning outcomes it achieves:
unusual levels of language awareness and proficiency in Irish; litera-
cy in home languages; the motivation and capacity to undertake lan-
guage-related learning beyond what teachers require; and high levels
of pupil self-confidence and self-esteem. The article then explores Scoil
Bhríde’s approach from the perspectives of learner-centredness, dialog-
ic pedagogy, translanguaging, language learning as socialization, the
“language experience” approach to teaching reading and writing, and
pluriculturalism and interculturality. The conclusion briefly considers
some of the implications of Scoil Bhríde’s approach.
Keywords: plurilingual and intercultural education; home language; di-
alogic pedagogy; translanguaging; autonomous learning
Članek opisuje raznojezični in medkulturni pristop k osnovnošol-
skemu izobraževanju, ki so ga razvili na šoli Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní) v
Blanchardstownu na Irskem. Članek najprej oriše koncept Sveta Evro-
pe o raznojezičnem in medkulturnem izobraževanju in njegovih peda-
Rethinking language teaching:
the theory and practice of plurilingual education
Ponovni razmislek o poučevanju jezikov: teorija in
praksa raznojezičnega izobraževanja
David Little, Trinity College
Déirdre Kirwan, Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní), Blanchardstown
This article describes the plurilingual and intercultural approach to pri-
mary education developed by Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní), Blanchardstown,
Ireland. The article begins by outlining the Council of Europe’s concept
of plurilingual and intercultural education and its pedagogical implica-
tions. It then describes Scoil Bhríde in context, explains its approach to
language education, and summarizes the learning outcomes it achieves:
unusual levels of language awareness and proficiency in Irish; litera-
cy in home languages; the motivation and capacity to undertake lan-
guage-related learning beyond what teachers require; and high levels
of pupil self-confidence and self-esteem. The article then explores Scoil
Bhríde’s approach from the perspectives of learner-centredness, dialog-
ic pedagogy, translanguaging, language learning as socialization, the
“language experience” approach to teaching reading and writing, and
pluriculturalism and interculturality. The conclusion briefly considers
some of the implications of Scoil Bhríde’s approach.
Keywords: plurilingual and intercultural education; home language; di-
alogic pedagogy; translanguaging; autonomous learning
Članek opisuje raznojezični in medkulturni pristop k osnovnošol-
skemu izobraževanju, ki so ga razvili na šoli Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní) v
Blanchardstownu na Irskem. Članek najprej oriše koncept Sveta Evro-
pe o raznojezičnem in medkulturnem izobraževanju in njegovih peda-