Page 179 - Ana Kozina and Nora Wiium, eds. ▪︎ Positive Youth Development in Contexts. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, 2021. Digital Library, Dissertationes (Scientific Monographs), 42.
P. 179
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Contact-based interventions to reduce
ethnic prejudice against migrants and ethnic
minorities in the school context:
A systematic literature review
Ana Lampret
Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Positive intergroup contact with peers at school is a crucial factor in the
successful integration of migrant and ethnic minority children and ado-
lescents into the local community. Yet, in most cases it is seldom achieva-
ble due to prejudice expressed towards ethnic outgroups, which constitutes
an important risk factor for social isolation, academic failure, emotional
distress, and behavioural problems of children with a migrant or refugee
background. Interventions involving intergroup contact have been prov-
en to be the most effective among prejudice-reducing interventions. This
article provides a review of the literature on contact-based interventions
aimed at reducing ethnic prejudice against migrants, refugees and ethnic
minorities in primary and secondary schools. It describes different types
of intergroup contact-based interventions – direct, extended, vicarious and
imagined – and provides the newest findings on their efficacy. Results are
provided for the general factors that influence the effectiveness of interven-
tions for reducing ethnic prejudice in the school context: the age of partic-
ipants, their ethnic status, the administrator of interventions, the length of
interventions, the number of interventions and type of outcome (affective,
cognitive, behavioural). At the end, practical implications for performing
a successful intervention to lower ethnic prejudice using direct or indirect
contact in primary and secondary schools are provided.
Keywords: prejudice reduction, children and adolescents, ethnic preju-
dice, intergroup contact, systematic literature review
Contact-based interventions to reduce
ethnic prejudice against migrants and ethnic
minorities in the school context:
A systematic literature review
Ana Lampret
Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Positive intergroup contact with peers at school is a crucial factor in the
successful integration of migrant and ethnic minority children and ado-
lescents into the local community. Yet, in most cases it is seldom achieva-
ble due to prejudice expressed towards ethnic outgroups, which constitutes
an important risk factor for social isolation, academic failure, emotional
distress, and behavioural problems of children with a migrant or refugee
background. Interventions involving intergroup contact have been prov-
en to be the most effective among prejudice-reducing interventions. This
article provides a review of the literature on contact-based interventions
aimed at reducing ethnic prejudice against migrants, refugees and ethnic
minorities in primary and secondary schools. It describes different types
of intergroup contact-based interventions – direct, extended, vicarious and
imagined – and provides the newest findings on their efficacy. Results are
provided for the general factors that influence the effectiveness of interven-
tions for reducing ethnic prejudice in the school context: the age of partic-
ipants, their ethnic status, the administrator of interventions, the length of
interventions, the number of interventions and type of outcome (affective,
cognitive, behavioural). At the end, practical implications for performing
a successful intervention to lower ethnic prejudice using direct or indirect
contact in primary and secondary schools are provided.
Keywords: prejudice reduction, children and adolescents, ethnic preju-
dice, intergroup contact, systematic literature review