Page 344 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 344
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobr aževanja

and to link the acquired knowledge with the real requirements of the wor-
king context of the 21st century. One of the important conclusions of our
research shows that it is necessary to pay more attention to the individual
characteristics of each student. By adopting these changes in the working
process, the teachers would approach the principles of active learning, whe-
reas the students would be more prepared for the future.

Key words: teaching, learning, student differentiation in teaching,
multiple linking of teaching materials, career guidance for students.

Background and the research purpose
The characteristics of teaching which support creativity are consistent with
the characteristics of good teaching and models of successful learning (De
Corte, 2013; Desforges, 2001; Dryden, Vos, 2001; Meyer, 2005; 2009).1 Star-
ting with this thesis, we wanted to determine the degree up to which this
model could be applied to our school.

The research on the way students learn, as well as the way the teachers
at elementary school “Jovan Dučić” organise the teaching process, was car-
ried out as a part of the planned activities of the team for the School Deve-
lopment Plan (SDP). Considering the previous researches, the students’ re-
sults at the final exam, as well as the students’ results at the competitions
in the past period, the SDP team came to the conclusion that it is necessa-
ry to focus the teaching team on achieving even better results at the final
exam and improving the teaching process, in general, as well as building a
relationship of mutual understanding between students and teachers. Lear-
ning involves a change in achievement over time (Anderson, 2013: 22). The
first and the most significant condition of continuous learning is to know
how to learn. The specific goal of the research, which is based on the self-
-assessment of the students’ and teachers’ achievements, was to identify the
specific learning and teaching problems the students and the teachers face
with. It was primarily the students’ learning habits, how much they un-
derstand the material, how much time they spend learning in classes and at
home on their own, what makes learning easier for them, how much mate-
rial from different subjects they connect with everyday life, that really inte-
rested us in this research. During the research, we paid special attention to
the teachers’ way of working and to the way both students and teachers see

1 Slavica Maksić and Jelena Pavlović, “Teaching That Supports Creativity,” in Teaching
and Learning – the Quality of the Educational Process – Ed. Radmila Nikolić (Kragu-
jevac, Serbia: University of Kragujevac, 2013), 61.

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