Page 200 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 200
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
sets a strong boundary between able-bodied and disabled people, empha-
sizing the difference between them. This perception leads to different sort
of ableist exclusionary practices at school instead of acceptance. Moreover,
these curricular approaches may lead to a necessarily reductive »add-and-
stir» method (Martin, 2008), which encourages teacher to simply add a sin-
gle disability studies unit or assignment to their syllabi, thereby marginal-
izing it as a special topic of limited significance (Browning & Cagle, 2017).
In contrary, there are several possibilities in the different subject areas
where disability can be discussed from the concept of the social and the hu-
man right models. According to the social model, »it is society which disa-
bles people with impairments, and therefore any meaningful solution must
be directed at societal change rather than individual adjustment and reha-
bilitation« (Barnes, Mercer & Shakespeare, 2010: 163). Comparing the con-
cept of the social and human right models, Degener (2017) highlights, that
»while the social model helps people to understand the underlying social
factors that shape our understanding of disability, the human rights model
moves beyond explanation, offering a theoretical framework for disability
policy that emphasises the human dignity of people with disabilities« (De-
gener, 2017: 43).
In the ICT subject area, the developing tasks include the topic of »
Means of Communication«. Within this topic, there is a possibility to talk
about those means of communications that could help the connection be-
tween people with disabilities and non-disabled people. Moreover, students
would have an opportunity to learn about how important is the accessibil-
ity of the means of communication for all people in society. This approach
reflects the perception of the social and human right models of disability,
which emphasize that creating the physically and mentally accessible and
adequate environment is social responsibility and duty.
Another possibility among subject areas to learn about this concept is
in the Way of Life subject area. Within this subject area, students can learn
about the impact of the settlement’s traffic conditions on personal life, and
the social effects of public transport opportunities. Within the education-
al goals and principals of Man and Society, the development of the content
of social and civic competence is emphasized. This subject area includes
the topic of social justice, tolerance, solidarity, and respect for diversity. In
light of these ideas, there can be a lot of opportunities to talk about peo-
ple with disabilities as the full members of society, with the same human
rights as we have.
sets a strong boundary between able-bodied and disabled people, empha-
sizing the difference between them. This perception leads to different sort
of ableist exclusionary practices at school instead of acceptance. Moreover,
these curricular approaches may lead to a necessarily reductive »add-and-
stir» method (Martin, 2008), which encourages teacher to simply add a sin-
gle disability studies unit or assignment to their syllabi, thereby marginal-
izing it as a special topic of limited significance (Browning & Cagle, 2017).
In contrary, there are several possibilities in the different subject areas
where disability can be discussed from the concept of the social and the hu-
man right models. According to the social model, »it is society which disa-
bles people with impairments, and therefore any meaningful solution must
be directed at societal change rather than individual adjustment and reha-
bilitation« (Barnes, Mercer & Shakespeare, 2010: 163). Comparing the con-
cept of the social and human right models, Degener (2017) highlights, that
»while the social model helps people to understand the underlying social
factors that shape our understanding of disability, the human rights model
moves beyond explanation, offering a theoretical framework for disability
policy that emphasises the human dignity of people with disabilities« (De-
gener, 2017: 43).
In the ICT subject area, the developing tasks include the topic of »
Means of Communication«. Within this topic, there is a possibility to talk
about those means of communications that could help the connection be-
tween people with disabilities and non-disabled people. Moreover, students
would have an opportunity to learn about how important is the accessibil-
ity of the means of communication for all people in society. This approach
reflects the perception of the social and human right models of disability,
which emphasize that creating the physically and mentally accessible and
adequate environment is social responsibility and duty.
Another possibility among subject areas to learn about this concept is
in the Way of Life subject area. Within this subject area, students can learn
about the impact of the settlement’s traffic conditions on personal life, and
the social effects of public transport opportunities. Within the education-
al goals and principals of Man and Society, the development of the content
of social and civic competence is emphasized. This subject area includes
the topic of social justice, tolerance, solidarity, and respect for diversity. In
light of these ideas, there can be a lot of opportunities to talk about peo-
ple with disabilities as the full members of society, with the same human
rights as we have.