Page 197 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 197
rricular opportunities for teaching about disability in hungarian public education
Research Questions
The present research aimed at identifying and critically analysing the pres-
ence of disability as curriculum content in the HNCC. In order to identify
the discourse-level barriers and enablers of disability content in the HNCC
and to reveal how stereotypical representations of disability are manifest-
ed in this basic curriculum in Hungary, we posed the following research
− How does disability content appear in the HNCC and in what so-
cial context is it represented?
− How consistent and coherent are the messages about disability
across the curriculum?
− How are the messages about disability aligned with the theories
of different models of disability?
To address the research questions, a content analysis of the 2012 HNCC
was conducted using NVivo 12 Pro software. Content analysis is a system-
atic, objective, quantitative examination of message characteristics (Neu-
endorf, 2017) intended for the analysis of message contents to unfold »what
they mean to people, what they enable or prevent, and what the informa-
tion conveyed by them does« (Krippendorff, 1995: 2). In quantitative con-
tent analysis, the text should be measurable and analysable by compiling
special categories and topics into different study categories, the frequen-
cy of which can already be measured and analysed (Majoros, 2004). Ac-
cording to McQuail (2010), latent reports are the most important in mod-
ern content analysis, and they cannot be read directly from the data of the
quantitative analysis. He assumed that it is not enough to count the fre-
quency of the textual elements, but also have to examine their relation-
ships. It may also be telling if some content is missing from the text.
Within the study content, textual and discourse analysis were applied.
The first phase of the research, the macro analysis focused on finding the
explicit and implicit disability-related messages represented within the ex-
amined parts of the curriculum. The analysis targeted the frequency and
location of the Hungarian words for disability in the different structural
units of the curriculum text. The numbers of occurrences were analysed
using descriptive statistics. During this phase, we calculated the absolute
Research Questions
The present research aimed at identifying and critically analysing the pres-
ence of disability as curriculum content in the HNCC. In order to identify
the discourse-level barriers and enablers of disability content in the HNCC
and to reveal how stereotypical representations of disability are manifest-
ed in this basic curriculum in Hungary, we posed the following research
− How does disability content appear in the HNCC and in what so-
cial context is it represented?
− How consistent and coherent are the messages about disability
across the curriculum?
− How are the messages about disability aligned with the theories
of different models of disability?
To address the research questions, a content analysis of the 2012 HNCC
was conducted using NVivo 12 Pro software. Content analysis is a system-
atic, objective, quantitative examination of message characteristics (Neu-
endorf, 2017) intended for the analysis of message contents to unfold »what
they mean to people, what they enable or prevent, and what the informa-
tion conveyed by them does« (Krippendorff, 1995: 2). In quantitative con-
tent analysis, the text should be measurable and analysable by compiling
special categories and topics into different study categories, the frequen-
cy of which can already be measured and analysed (Majoros, 2004). Ac-
cording to McQuail (2010), latent reports are the most important in mod-
ern content analysis, and they cannot be read directly from the data of the
quantitative analysis. He assumed that it is not enough to count the fre-
quency of the textual elements, but also have to examine their relation-
ships. It may also be telling if some content is missing from the text.
Within the study content, textual and discourse analysis were applied.
The first phase of the research, the macro analysis focused on finding the
explicit and implicit disability-related messages represented within the ex-
amined parts of the curriculum. The analysis targeted the frequency and
location of the Hungarian words for disability in the different structural
units of the curriculum text. The numbers of occurrences were analysed
using descriptive statistics. During this phase, we calculated the absolute