Page 212 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 212
Neopass@ction is a tool for teacher training from France that seeks
to provide examples of actual teacher work at the national level as distance
self-training resources or institutionalised training with trainers or tutors.
Neopass@ction is mostly based on video resources likely to significant-
ly contribute to the professionalisation of beginning teachers and also for
analysing issues for more experienced teachers. The platform is designed to
serve at the national level as a resource for either web-based training, which
the learner does alone, or for instructor-led training conducted in a class-
room setting (Neopass@ction, n.d.).
The training module developed from this platform is therefore not
aimed at imparting the practices of expert teachers in a prescriptive man-
ner, but at bringing to bear the real experiences and current practices of
beginners in the classroom, in view of gradually transforming those prac-
tices in line with personal standards of feasibility and professional effec-
tiveness. One of the design assumptions is that, to facilitate the creation of
links between real classroom experiences of platform users and their expe-
riences during the viewing of training videos, the situations viewed must
have some features in common with those already encountered by the us-
ers (Leblanc & Ria, 2013).
Similarly, MyTeachingPartner™, or MTP, is a system of professional
development support from Virginia, USA that was developed for improv-
ing teacher-student interactions. It contains three specific resources that
may be used either individually or in tandem: a video library of annotat-
ed examples of best practice, a college course and web-mediated individu-
alised coaching: The video library contains more than 400 1- to 2-minute
video clips of teachers’ effective interactions with students for all levels of
education and gives teachers an opportunity to observe other teachers’ ef-
fective interactions as they implement a wide range of instructional activ-
ities in various contexts. The MTP coaching programme involves the fol-
lowing five steps in a 2-week cycle: a teacher records a classroom video, a
coach reviews and selects the video and writes prompts, the teacher re-
views the video and responds to the prompts, the teacher and the coach
discuss the prompts and practice, summary and action plan for the next
cycle (MyTeachingPartner™, b.d.). One of the research papers concerning
the effectiveness of the MyTeachingPartner coaching intervention indi-
cates that a variety of individual and contextual factors relate to teachers’
responsiveness to the programme objectives. Psychological factors, specif-
ically anxiety and readiness to change, are related to several indicators of
to provide examples of actual teacher work at the national level as distance
self-training resources or institutionalised training with trainers or tutors.
Neopass@ction is mostly based on video resources likely to significant-
ly contribute to the professionalisation of beginning teachers and also for
analysing issues for more experienced teachers. The platform is designed to
serve at the national level as a resource for either web-based training, which
the learner does alone, or for instructor-led training conducted in a class-
room setting (Neopass@ction, n.d.).
The training module developed from this platform is therefore not
aimed at imparting the practices of expert teachers in a prescriptive man-
ner, but at bringing to bear the real experiences and current practices of
beginners in the classroom, in view of gradually transforming those prac-
tices in line with personal standards of feasibility and professional effec-
tiveness. One of the design assumptions is that, to facilitate the creation of
links between real classroom experiences of platform users and their expe-
riences during the viewing of training videos, the situations viewed must
have some features in common with those already encountered by the us-
ers (Leblanc & Ria, 2013).
Similarly, MyTeachingPartner™, or MTP, is a system of professional
development support from Virginia, USA that was developed for improv-
ing teacher-student interactions. It contains three specific resources that
may be used either individually or in tandem: a video library of annotat-
ed examples of best practice, a college course and web-mediated individu-
alised coaching: The video library contains more than 400 1- to 2-minute
video clips of teachers’ effective interactions with students for all levels of
education and gives teachers an opportunity to observe other teachers’ ef-
fective interactions as they implement a wide range of instructional activ-
ities in various contexts. The MTP coaching programme involves the fol-
lowing five steps in a 2-week cycle: a teacher records a classroom video, a
coach reviews and selects the video and writes prompts, the teacher re-
views the video and responds to the prompts, the teacher and the coach
discuss the prompts and practice, summary and action plan for the next
cycle (MyTeachingPartner™, b.d.). One of the research papers concerning
the effectiveness of the MyTeachingPartner coaching intervention indi-
cates that a variety of individual and contextual factors relate to teachers’
responsiveness to the programme objectives. Psychological factors, specif-
ically anxiety and readiness to change, are related to several indicators of