Page 207 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 207
overview of innovative online tr ainings for educators
self-confrontation crossing with colleagues’ activity, confrontation with
the recording of others’ teaching and also collective confrontation where
a group is confronted with a video (of their work or of the work of others)
(Flandin & Lussi Borer, 2016).
Considering the characteristics of modern society like complex work-
ing tasks and everyday life it is important to note that the ICT-based solu-
tions for the professional development of teachers should not and cannot
completely replace face-to-face programmes and experiences but could of-
fer ongoing support for teachers who are not being provided with the tra-
ditional professional development programmes. It could provide a com-
munity-based (online community) and collaborative model of professional
Examples of existing practice
Several models for online educators’ professional development are
available. We present a few based on availability of information about the
programme and primarily based on the content of a programme. A com-
parison of the online resources is found in Table 1.
The presented platforms indicate several similarities and differences.
Table 3. Similarities and differences among online platforms for educators’ professional
Title Country Target Methods Including Language
Aula Mentor of origin audience (Video, inte- trainers, tutors
Spain all adults se- ractions, foru-
eking profe-
ssional de- ms…)
computer lite- tutor or mentor
racy and per- online classro- is included in
sonal deve- oms, also tradi- all programmes
lopment and tional classro- and they are
unable to oms with responsible Spanish
access training Internet access, for ensuring
courses CD Roms, that learning
study guides objectives are
met online
self-confrontation crossing with colleagues’ activity, confrontation with
the recording of others’ teaching and also collective confrontation where
a group is confronted with a video (of their work or of the work of others)
(Flandin & Lussi Borer, 2016).
Considering the characteristics of modern society like complex work-
ing tasks and everyday life it is important to note that the ICT-based solu-
tions for the professional development of teachers should not and cannot
completely replace face-to-face programmes and experiences but could of-
fer ongoing support for teachers who are not being provided with the tra-
ditional professional development programmes. It could provide a com-
munity-based (online community) and collaborative model of professional
Examples of existing practice
Several models for online educators’ professional development are
available. We present a few based on availability of information about the
programme and primarily based on the content of a programme. A com-
parison of the online resources is found in Table 1.
The presented platforms indicate several similarities and differences.
Table 3. Similarities and differences among online platforms for educators’ professional
Title Country Target Methods Including Language
Aula Mentor of origin audience (Video, inte- trainers, tutors
Spain all adults se- ractions, foru-
eking profe-
ssional de- ms…)
computer lite- tutor or mentor
racy and per- online classro- is included in
sonal deve- oms, also tradi- all programmes
lopment and tional classro- and they are
unable to oms with responsible Spanish
access training Internet access, for ensuring
courses CD Roms, that learning
study guides objectives are
met online